
Stay happy,healthy,safe,dance&sing


17.2.2025 22:25:25 reposted from dit

EMF - Unbelievable (1990)

from https://youtu.be/PXGb0ahHb8g

16.2.2025 14:26:52 reposted from dit

Von Wegen Lisbeth - Wenn du tanzt (Offizielles Video)

from https://youtu.be/m2JRghbgeYw

15.2.2025 00:05:07 reposted from looque

15.2.2025 00:04:33 reposted from looque

15.2.2025 00:04:23 reposted from looque

reposted by dit
15.2.2025 00:04:11 reposted from looque

15.2.2025 00:04:00 reposted from looque

reposted by dit
14.2.2025 22:03:21

14.2.2025 22:02:18

Lord of the Rings - Bag End Cross Section by Adam J. Middleton

14.2.2025 22:01:49

reposted by kalesor
14.2.2025 22:00:49

reposted by kalesor
14.2.2025 22:00:37

reposted by kalesor
14.2.2025 21:58:30

reposted by dit
14.2.2025 21:58:04

reposted by kalesor
14.2.2025 21:57:51

reposted by kalesor
14.2.2025 21:57:23

reposted by dit
14.2.2025 21:57:12

14.2.2025 21:56:56

14.2.2025 21:56:35

reposted by dit
14.2.2025 20:41:57

reposted by dit
11.2.2025 23:03:00 reposted from dit

Take Me Babe (Original Version)

from https://youtu.be/vYUTfyQZ7Vg

11.2.2025 22:34:02 reposted from dit

SNAP! - Ooops Up (Official Video)

from https://youtu.be/O_C8-5L989k

11.2.2025 19:54:39 reposted from dit

Fatboy Slim vs. Funk Agenda - What The F**k

from https://youtu.be/548qSIFPbLI

11.2.2025 19:36:57 reposted from dit

Video Killed The Radio Star

from https://youtu.be/i4RfVRhhhNI

11.2.2025 19:36:50 reposted from dit

Video Killed The Radio Star

from https://youtu.be/i4RfVRhhhNI

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