12.7.2023 11:39:52 reposted from test

Image formats comparison. Pictures are sorted by size, details are shown. Webp is smallest, with some possible image quality loss on some high detailed pictures such as filled with noise. Animated webp files are also supported everywhere, as this image is an animated webp.

11.7.2023 12:44:06

Archive of Our Own was recently taken down by a DDoS attack. They partially came back up with a message saying they're mitigating issues. They'll probably come back up later after things calms down :)

10.7.2023 22:52:40

webp is supported now

Kyselo now supports uploading of webp images (like this one). 

10.7.2023 22:56:36
@juozaspo webp is now supported
12.7.2023 22:59:05
10.7.2023 22:48:37

can we upload WebP now? yes, we can

reposted by dit
9.7.2023 21:17:29

Pink Floyd - Run Like Hell (Pulse) - Black Vinyl LP

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HsrhwCwYb8

9.7.2023 19:42:28

Pink Floyd - One Of These Days (2016 Remastered) - Black Vinyl LP

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIOdr2IMJ1k

9.7.2023 02:45:46

The Muppet Show - Opening Theme

from https://youtu.be/AT7wx2wUZ-c

8.7.2023 23:45:21 reposted from dit

Massive Attack - Karmacoma (Napoli Trip)

from https://youtu.be/MCkzMuFJl58

6.7.2023 22:20:56 reposted from juozaspo

from https://radaetyki.loforo.com/1nnp

6.7.2023 20:21:40 reposted from desinteressement

6.7.2023 09:01:48 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

6.7.2023 03:10:37

energy flow/Ryuichi Sakamoto - From live streaming "Ryuichi Sakamoto: Playing the Piano 12122020" -

energy flow/Ryuichi Sakamoto - From live streaming "Ryuichi Sakamoto: Playing the Piano 12122020"

from https://vid.puffyan.us/watch?v=S_Llza_FGeA&dark_mode=true

6.7.2023 02:20:40

reposted by dit
6.7.2023 02:16:24

6.7.2023 02:11:38

reposted by kalesor dit
6.7.2023 00:42:54 reposted from faces

from https://pr0gramm.com/top/5759084

5.7.2023 02:15:13 reposted from pmusicp

Eläkeläiset - Humppa

from https://youtu.be/fFVW2AA6ID4

4.7.2023 20:04:26 reposted from juozaspo

from https://majkey.loforo.com/3ictw

4.7.2023 20:04:23 reposted from juozaspo

from https://majkey.loforo.com/3ictw

4.7.2023 20:04:15

from https://majkey.loforo.com/3ictw

reposted by cats gifs
4.7.2023 19:24:08

Eläkeläiset - Humppa

from https://youtu.be/fFVW2AA6ID4

reposted by kalesor
4.7.2023 15:37:37

Antje Schomaker - Von Helden und Halunken (Akustik Version)

from https://youtu.be/glHwBDu71j4

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