3.7.2023 15:45:58 reposted from severak

Hugo Kant - High Gravity

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9jQwpIlcqU

3.7.2023 15:45:45

Hugo Kant - High Gravity

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9jQwpIlcqU

reposted by pmusicp
3.7.2023 15:45:01 reposted from desinteressement

1.7.2023 18:10:47

1.7.2023 17:58:59

reposted by severak
1.7.2023 15:19:52

(solved) Still can't upload webp, not sure if it is implemented yet, no mention of it anywhere in the source code on github or in bitbucket issues :\

3.7.2023 15:44:49
ah, I forgot to implement it (facepalm)
30.6.2023 20:59:48 reposted from trains

reposted by dit
30.6.2023 20:59:38

reposted by juozaspo memes
30.6.2023 20:34:21 reposted from reactions

30.6.2023 20:25:30

reposted by juozaspo
30.6.2023 16:47:23

reposted by dit
30.6.2023 13:43:03 reposted from dit

30.6.2023 13:42:57 reposted from dit

30.6.2023 05:59:19 reposted from juozaspo

29.6.2023 23:39:31

reposted by dit severak
29.6.2023 23:12:09 reposted from juozaspo

reposted by dit
29.6.2023 20:02:13

reposted by fail kalesor looque
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