31.12.2020 20:51:16 reposted from severak

happy new year 2021!

21.10.2020 16:05:37 reposted from updates

100 days of shitposting

today it's 100 days after Kyselo was succesfully installed.

But it dates way longer than that:

  • back then in 2011 I found soup.io and registered an account here.
  • in 2015 I actually created first version of Kyselo, this time just on paper and later as HTML mockup.
  • in 2017 I started to write my diary. I used Soup for this purpose but  Soup was all 500s and no the stability, so I started work on a clone, which went live three days before Christmas.
  • in 2020 as part of ongoing apocalypse, Soup.io was shut down. So I started Kyselo project.

Today Kyselo has small but nice community. Development somewhat stalled, but new features are still being developed. Kyselo is free to use, but there is donate button which is actually used - I spent those money in tape recorders and stuff.

Finally, some numbers:

  • we are alive for 100 days (0 years 3 months)
  • we have 141 users
  • and 36 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3028 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 142 posts
  • there are about 124 post per day
  • of these 65 are originals (no reposts)
21.10.2020 16:05:26

100 days of shitposting

today it's 100 days after Kyselo was succesfully installed.

But it dates way longer than that:

  • back then in 2011 I found soup.io and registered an account here.
  • in 2015 I actually created first version of Kyselo, this time just on paper and later as HTML mockup.
  • in 2017 I started to write my diary. I used Soup for this purpose but  Soup was all 500s and no the stability, so I started work on a clone, which went live three days before Christmas.
  • in 2020 as part of ongoing apocalypse, Soup.io was shut down. So I started Kyselo project.

Today Kyselo has small but nice community. Development somewhat stalled, but new features are still being developed. Kyselo is free to use, but there is donate button which is actually used - I spent those money in tape recorders and stuff.

Finally, some numbers:

  • we are alive for 100 days (0 years 3 months)
  • we have 141 users
  • and 36 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3028 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 142 posts
  • there are about 124 post per day
  • of these 65 are originals (no reposts)

reposted by admin naich dychterfyrst juozaspo larrygreensky
7.10.2020 15:47:46

many faces of Kyselo

Kyselo is primarily a social network, but can be used in other ways:

  • as your own personal meme storage
  • as bookmark manager (very powerful when using with tags as described in last update)
  • (in fact those were original functions of my private instance when there were no other users)
  • as personal journal/diary
  • as youtube playlist

For those last two functions I added new views of your blog/group which can be enabled on your settings tab.

And now something completely different - stats:

  • we are alive for 86 days (0 years 2 months)
  • we have 139 users
  • and 35 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3009 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 125 posts
  • there are about 137 post per day
  • of these 73 are originals (no reposts)

reposted by naich larrygreensky schaaf
8.9.2020 22:46:59

consume! (RSS)

in last update, I asked you for donations. After one day first donation arrived and to this day seven people donated.

One of them is Andrzej even though he has no account on Kyselo yet. He asked for RSS channel of /all. Because this is relatively easy I implemented it - /all/rss.

There are also another improvements:

  • there is new RSS button for humans and <link> tag for machines
  • you can now watch RSS feed of certain tag - e.g. things I found funny - /severak/rss?tag=funny
  • tags works also for /all, but you have to make URLs yourself - e.g. https://kyselo.eu/all?tag=important
  • THE END looks better
  • if you link to Kyselo from Facebook, link now looks better
  • and finally - stats are autogenerated

Speaking of stats, here are some:

  • we are alive for 57 days (0 years 1 months)
  • we have 136 users
  • and 34 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 1814 posts
  • most active group is @cats with 109 posts
  • there are about 155 post per day
  • of these 82 are originals (no reposts)

reposted by naich larrygreensky merelygifted
25.8.2020 17:39:01 reposted from updates

donate button added

as you may have noticed, development of Kyselo somewhat stalled. This is because I was:

- on vacation (without internet)
- demotivated (by hot weather)
- ill and later super tired

I needed to somehow restore my motivation so I thought: What about financial motivation? (evil smile)

Now you can


cause I need a dollar baby, dollar is what I need.

All donated money will be spend on hosting fee, beer and synths (in that order). I have already spent 1016 CZK on hosting/domain fee.

Otherwise Kyselo is pretty much alive:

  • we have 134 users
  • and 34 groups
  • 102 people already posted something
  • biggest spammer is @gpkvt with 1148 posts - congratulations!
  • most active group is @memes with 100 posts
  • there is about 120 posts each day
  • with cca 50 of them being originals (no reposts)
25.8.2020 17:37:27

donate button added

as you may have noticed, development of Kyselo somewhat stalled. This is because I was:

- on vacation (without internet)
- demotivated (by hot weather)
- ill and later super tired

I needed to somehow restore my motivation so I thought: What about financial motivation? (evil smile)

Now you can


cause I need a dollar baby, dollar is what I need.

All donated money will be spend on hosting fee, beer and synths (in that order). I have already spent 1016 CZK on hosting/domain fee.

Otherwise Kyselo is pretty much alive:

  • we have 134 users
  • and 34 groups
  • 102 people already posted something
  • biggest spammer is @gpkvt with 1148 posts - congratulations!
  • most active group is @memes with 100 posts
  • there is about 120 posts each day
  • with cca 50 of them being originals (no reposts)

reposted by admin merelygifted
27.7.2020 16:16:19

i am on vacation

I am on vacation in the nature, without any internet access. This means that this week:

  • no new features
  • no new bugs
  • no shitpost
  • no responding on anything

I hope this will help me to renew my sanity and energy stats. :-)

-- @severak

reposted by merelygifted
22.7.2020 00:09:03 reposted from updates

kyselo has new home

as you probably noticed - kyselo has new home - kyselo.eu.

For now it stays on the same hosting as it was before - so you cannot post porn yet. Sorry.

I added feature requested by @chosneck - a list of all users (use this to find your friend from Soup). I also added list of followed blogs to each friends page and a list of members to each group.

I did more little changes - for example blog avatars are now displayed as 50px wide thumbnails, not in full size.

And now some numbers:

  • there are currently 113 registered users
  • each day several new people appear
  • 75 people already posted something
  • @desinteressement is biggest poster - he already posted 666 times (sic!)
  • we already have 10 groups (and several abandoned)

Yours truly @severak

PS: please, do not advertise Kyselo on Loforo, the don't like it and may ban you.

PS2: stole memes from them. :-)

reposted by fichtefoll wonko
22.7.2020 00:07:09

kyselo has new home

as you probably noticed - kyselo has new home - kyselo.eu.

For now it stays on the same hosting as it was before - so you cannot post porn yet. Sorry.

I added feature requested by @chosneck - a list of all users (use this to find your friend from Soup). I also added list of followed blogs to each friends page and a list of members to each group.

I did more little changes - for example blog avatars are now displayed as 50px wide thumbnails, not in full size.

And now some numbers:

  • there are currently 113 registered users
  • each day several new people appear
  • 75 people already posted something
  • @desinteressement is biggest poster - he already posted 666 times (sic!)
  • we already have 10 groups (and several abandoned)

Yours truly @severak

PS: please, do not advertise Kyselo on Loforo, they don't like it and may ban you.

PS2: stole memes from them. :-)

reposted by admin naich
15.7.2020 12:00:46


As every blossom fades
and all youth sinks into old age,
so every life’s design, each flower of wisdom,
attains its prime and cannot last forever.
The heart must submit itself courageously
to life’s call without a hint of grief,
A magic dwells in each beginning,
protecting us, telling us how to live.

High purposed we shall traverse realm on realm,
cleaving to none as to a home,
the world of spirit wishes not to fetter us
but raise us higher, step by step.
Scarce in some safe accustomed sphere of life
have we establish a house, then we grow lax;
only he who is ready to journey forth
can throw old habits off.

Maybe death’s hour too will send us out new-born
towards undreamed-lands,
maybe life’s call to us will never find an end
Courage my heart, take leave and fare thee well.

— Hermann Hesse

reposted by merelygifted
13.7.2020 15:39:58 reposted from severak

reposted by foobar123 memesjasz divi fatboy proquar moppie fadenb naich dantheman
13.7.2020 15:37:41

Terms of service

This is temporary beta version of Kyselo (an Soup.io clone). Feel free to register and click around. Try to post something and follow other testers. Feel free to contact me with your ideas and bug reports.

But remember:

1) Don't be a dick!
2) Don't post anything illegal in Czech republic (child porn, holocaust denial, etc).
2b) Dont's post porn - it's agains my hosting TOS. Post cute cats instead.
3) And have a fun!
13.7.2020 00:35:49


your own Kyselo is up and running

You have reached the end...