Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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3.1.2023 21:41:43 reposted from fail

reposted by looque
3.1.2023 21:38:12

reposted by kalesor fail dit
3.1.2023 21:31:47

reposted by kalesor
3.1.2023 20:07:37

3.1.2023 20:06:17

reposted by wtf
3.1.2023 20:01:16 reposted from demotivational

3.1.2023 19:51:42

reposted by fail
2.1.2023 17:05:31

reposted by cats
31.12.2022 23:17:08 reposted from gaming

Happy new year!

30.12.2022 18:13:54

reposted by pointless
30.12.2022 18:10:27

30.12.2022 17:58:03 reposted from linux

Linux terminal corruption

Caused by writing some non-printable characters to the terminal output

30.12.2022 17:48:08

reposted by cats
30.12.2022 17:46:43

28.12.2022 18:51:15 reposted from looque

28.12.2022 12:51:33

reposted by dit
27.12.2022 11:24:21 reposted from poprostujakub

21.12.2022 19:08:10 reposted from cats

from https://i.imgur.com/XbHxQ.gif

18.12.2022 14:23:07

Older iPhones Bricked For Being Too Outdated - Locking Users From Their Data

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UxaCUugPoRY

10.12.2022 20:46:12

from https://kerio13.loforo.com/rqejy

reposted by lol kalesor
5.12.2022 16:22:42 reposted from pmusicp

Franklin's Tower ☮ Grateful Dead, 5/9/77

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0pdFViRNu8

30.11.2022 22:50:33

YouTube was very unstable today

I noticed a horrible browser lag when using youtube. Digging deeper I found that it was caused by the site itself and not an addon. It would cause an insane cpu and memory usage rise upon page reload, the only solution would be to kill the browser. I also suspected an adblock bug but disabling it on yt didn't help much, where other addons were also disabled.

27.11.2022 10:41:35 reposted from memes

low poly cat set to low quality funkytown

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jM13eQWAwA

26.11.2022 08:25:36 reposted from desinteressement

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Timeline speed: 23.68 posts per month

Just 53 pages to end...
