Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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23.11.2022 06:43:19 reposted from looque

23.11.2022 06:42:07 reposted from looque

22.11.2022 14:17:43 reposted from looque

super old meme

21.11.2022 22:57:20 reposted from anime

21.11.2022 06:42:01 reposted from vids

mozart dog

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onZcB3y2RTM

17.11.2022 14:11:53


from https://twitter.com/gayocats/status/1593214879938158594

reposted by cats
15.11.2022 21:17:18

'Russian missile kills two people' in NATO member Poland, US intelligence official says

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrAGDA6egDU

12.11.2022 19:13:40 reposted from demotivational

26.10.2022 08:26:46

Reinstalled server os

Today i've reinstalled the os of the server that runs my minetest server and related pages. It will take some time to setup everything and to restore what's needed. It has been running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS up until now and the new os is Debian 11.

Edit: Got the web server working. Sadly no running minetest server yet.

Edit2: Minetest server is finally back up and running, old worlds restored.

20.10.2022 15:01:45

Bought a new 1080p monitor. After some tinkering with system configuration got the display working as default refresh rate provided by the driver would not work, had to change it.

18.10.2022 14:34:50

reposted by dit
16.10.2022 08:36:01 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/uyl4s1mk4hl91.jpg

9.10.2022 19:12:45 reposted from anime

8.10.2022 16:24:10 reposted from looque

from https://i.imgur.com/B8cvu7O.gif

6.10.2022 07:48:16 reposted from looque

29.9.2022 06:45:12 reposted from rabbits

from https://winterwarez.loforo.com/ovcns

28.9.2022 19:42:23 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/iga7jks7mpp91.jpg

26.9.2022 19:06:56

reposted by kalesor
25.9.2022 10:06:57 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/d3wytu2ttwn91.jpg

25.9.2022 10:05:48 reposted from looque

from https://i.imgur.com/bl0fbOK.jpeg

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Timeline speed: 15.25 posts per month

Just 52 pages to end...
