Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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2.1.2023 17:05:31

reposted by cats
31.12.2022 23:17:08 reposted from gaming

Happy new year!

30.12.2022 18:13:54

reposted by pointless
30.12.2022 18:10:27

30.12.2022 17:58:03 reposted from linux

Linux terminal corruption

Caused by writing some non-printable characters to the terminal output

30.12.2022 17:48:08

reposted by cats
30.12.2022 17:46:43

28.12.2022 18:51:15 reposted from looque

28.12.2022 12:51:33

reposted by dit
27.12.2022 11:24:21 reposted from poprostujakub

21.12.2022 19:08:10 reposted from cats

from https://i.imgur.com/XbHxQ.gif

10.12.2022 20:46:12

from https://kerio13.loforo.com/rqejy

reposted by lol kalesor
26.11.2022 08:25:36 reposted from desinteressement

23.11.2022 06:43:19 reposted from looque

23.11.2022 06:42:07 reposted from looque

22.11.2022 14:17:43 reposted from looque

super old meme

21.11.2022 22:57:20 reposted from anime

17.11.2022 14:11:53


from https://twitter.com/gayocats/status/1593214879938158594

reposted by cats
12.11.2022 19:13:40 reposted from demotivational

20.10.2022 15:01:45

Bought a new 1080p monitor. After some tinkering with system configuration got the display working as default refresh rate provided by the driver would not work, had to change it.

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Timeline speed: 12.16 posts per month
