Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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24.5.2022 19:38:27 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/1nykql5cfzh51.jpg

24.5.2022 18:17:15 reposted from raccoons

24.5.2022 16:18:10

is it me or is kyselo down :\ I see alot of broken images :\

24.5.2022 16:36:21
there was some problem with HTTPS on my hosting. It was bought by another company and after it started have some downtimes and stuff.

I am planning to move kyselo away from it.
22.5.2022 11:35:51

Cat with a human face

from https://i.imgur.com/axtzk.jpg

reposted by cats memes looque cursed
21.5.2022 18:00:33

Some useful number facts

0x00007FFFFFFFFFFF (2^47-1,140737488355327) is largest possible address size in 64-bit architecture, it's integer representation could be obtained by running a command in unix terminal as shown below

$ echo $((2**47)-1)

Any address larger then the number above will raise an exception.

10.5.2022 21:44:10 reposted from fail

from https://gogullo77.loforo.com/pyr2q

7.5.2022 19:39:05

reposted by anime
7.5.2022 06:48:51

from https://przecinek.loforo.com/ngku

reposted by cats
5.5.2022 14:48:17 reposted from fail

from https://smoke11.loforo.com/gsmxx

5.5.2022 14:44:01 reposted from cats

from https://carmenluna.loforo.com/bzu2y

3.5.2022 08:08:56 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/6cgzkb5ntol41.png

1.5.2022 20:50:51

A screenshot of a hexdump of first 768 bytes of random data made on linux

1.5.2022 06:55:46 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/bf6wia93cow81.jpg

27.4.2022 20:42:15 reposted from bears

from https://skydelan.loforo.com/5texj

27.4.2022 20:39:40 reposted from engrish

from https://malborghetto.loforo.com/epet3

27.4.2022 20:39:35 reposted from fail

from https://noxeo.loforo.com/1ghr9

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