Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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10.5.2022 21:44:10 reposted from fail

from https://gogullo77.loforo.com/pyr2q

7.5.2022 19:39:05

reposted by anime
7.5.2022 06:48:51

from https://przecinek.loforo.com/ngku

reposted by cats
5.5.2022 14:48:17 reposted from fail

from https://smoke11.loforo.com/gsmxx

5.5.2022 14:44:01 reposted from cats

from https://carmenluna.loforo.com/bzu2y

3.5.2022 08:08:56 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/6cgzkb5ntol41.png

1.5.2022 20:50:51

A screenshot of a hexdump of first 768 bytes of random data made on linux

1.5.2022 06:55:46 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/bf6wia93cow81.jpg

27.4.2022 20:42:15 reposted from bears

from https://skydelan.loforo.com/5texj

27.4.2022 20:39:40 reposted from engrish

from https://malborghetto.loforo.com/epet3

27.4.2022 20:39:35 reposted from fail

from https://noxeo.loforo.com/1ghr9

27.4.2022 20:39:31 reposted from engrish

from https://mariusz.loforo.com/sepiachord

reposted by abledowa
27.4.2022 20:39:23 reposted from memes

from https://ikari.loforo.com/pxpc

26.4.2022 15:56:04


from https://twitter.com/gayocats/status/1518940465470394368

reposted by cats schaaf
20.4.2022 08:04:00 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/eb8194u8o3y01.png

19.4.2022 15:53:55

Lithuania ditches Russian gas thanks to LNG while EU remains heavily dependent | DW News

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyBSt-ncpC8

16.4.2022 16:17:42

Automatic linking annoyance

The editor is too trigger happy to automatically mark anything that looks like links to appear as links. E.g. typing somefile.sh becomes linked w/o asking. It's very annoying when trying to type or paste code snippets that has fragments looking like that and removing them is quite troublesome :\

Edit: Links can be removed after they've been inserted by editor, but this leaves extra unused garbage html, and that can be removed by editing hidden textarea using browser developer tools and not directly interacting with text field thus avoiding accidental reinsert of link where it is not wanted.

16.4.2022 20:44:41
this is known bug. I struggle with this all the time just not found enough courage to go and fix the editing component. :-D
16.4.2022 16:01:49

Find manually installed packages that has other packages depending on it on Debian based systems

Running command below generates a list of packages that can be marked as automatically installed, as long as apt-rdepends package were already installed. It generates a script that can be used to mark all found packages as manually installed.

echo \#\!/bin/bash > mark-auto.sh; apt-mark showmanual|xargs -I{} sh -c '[ "{}" = "$(apt-rdepends -r --state-follow=Installed --state-show=Installed {} 2>/dev/null)" ] || echo apt-mark auto {}' >> mark-auto.sh

It can be modified to mark packages automatically if preferred instead of writing to a script

apt-mark showmanual|xargs -I{} sh -c '[ "{}" = "$(apt-rdepends -r --state-follow=Installed --state-show=Installed {} 2>/dev/null)" ] || apt-mark auto {}'

Before running apt-get autoremove run it with pretend mode (-s), e.g

apt-get -s autoremove --purge

Mark any package not desired to be removed with

apt-mark manual <package>

reposted by linux schaaf
16.4.2022 11:47:36

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