Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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19.12.2021 16:45:15 reposted from cats

from https://i.imgur.com/PveY9.jpg

19.12.2021 09:14:45 reposted from linux

Generate 1280x720 image with 16x9 grid containing random colors in each cell

$ dd if=/dev/urandom bs=1 count=432 of=in.bin

$ convert -depth 8 -size 16x9 rgb:in.bin -scale 1280x out.png

19.12.2021 07:10:32

Truck turns left and hits the 11foot8+8 bridge

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLXxQjIuzqQ

19.12.2021 07:06:31 reposted from wtf

from https://mintchocarus.loforo.com/s3zdr

18.12.2021 22:02:26

reposted by naich lol fail
18.12.2021 22:01:22

18.12.2021 05:49:55 reposted from minetest


18.12.2021 05:49:16 reposted from minetest

Helpful tips for cave & tunnel navigation. Torch atached to the left side of the wall and/or vertical torch placed at the bottom right side of the wall means cave/tunnel entrance - opposite means exit. Multiple vertical torches at the middle or both side and vertical torch in one place means "intersection", this might help to navigate through caves

17.12.2021 17:09:51 reposted from minetest

Second floor

17.12.2021 17:09:46 reposted from minetest

Inside the house

17.12.2021 17:00:56

Current state of the farm at the center of the map in the world 1 of my server

reposted by minetest
15.12.2021 18:50:13 reposted from gifs

15.12.2021 18:36:25

reposted by memes
15.12.2021 18:24:46 reposted from reactions

15.12.2021 18:01:38 reposted from birds

15.12.2021 17:20:24 reposted from cats

14.12.2021 20:38:52 reposted from memes

from https://i.imgur.com/K46rt.jpg

14.12.2021 20:35:50 reposted from memes

from https://i.imgur.com/3jyRX.jpg

14.12.2021 02:50:26

Current map of world 1 on my minetest server, as you see alot of area is already explored.

from https://server.juozas24.lt/minetest/world1/

reposted by minetest
13.12.2021 16:31:53

13.12.2021 14:09:27

Loforo is not reachable on my VPN

Just stopped working. All the traffic is directed to blocked.hetzner.com when checking through the traceroute. Didn't do anything too bad just suddently got blocked or some other error I don't know.]

Edit: Loforo's back. Probably was temporary or some1 seen my message on some site. This is annoying. Can't traceroute the site properly though.

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