Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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14.12.2021 20:38:52 reposted from memes

from https://i.imgur.com/K46rt.jpg

14.12.2021 20:35:50 reposted from memes

from https://i.imgur.com/3jyRX.jpg

14.12.2021 02:50:26

Current map of world 1 on my minetest server, as you see alot of area is already explored.

from https://server.juozas24.lt/minetest/world1/

reposted by minetest
13.12.2021 16:31:53

13.12.2021 14:09:27

Loforo is not reachable on my VPN

Just stopped working. All the traffic is directed to blocked.hetzner.com when checking through the traceroute. Didn't do anything too bad just suddently got blocked or some other error I don't know.]

Edit: Loforo's back. Probably was temporary or some1 seen my message on some site. This is annoying. Can't traceroute the site properly though.

11.12.2021 19:52:41

reposted by memes tank
11.12.2021 16:43:27 reposted from looque

by QuantumWhale

from https://i.redd.it/vcf154tti7w51.jpg

11.12.2021 16:43:02 reposted from dogs

11.12.2021 16:34:01 reposted from reactions

from https://i.imgur.com/2WIAiSO.gif

11.12.2021 16:32:44 reposted from gpkvt

11.12.2021 16:32:25 reposted from gpkvt

reposted by severak
11.12.2021 14:49:04 reposted from severak

11.12.2021 14:25:28 reposted from sofia

Days since last timeszone issue: -1

from https://sunbeam.city/@handle/107123271424414943

11.12.2021 11:28:33

Open random page of kyselo right from unix terminal

Run command below in your unix terminal

$ firefox https://kyselo.eu/all?since=$(TZ=Europe/Prague date -d @$(shuf -i $(($(TZ=Europe/Prague date -d '2020-07-13T00:35:49' +"%s")))-$(date +"%s") -n 1) +"%Y-%m-%dT%H%%3A%M%%3A%S")

2020-07-13T00:35:49 is the date of first post in server time, replace 'firefox' with your browser command if you have different browser installed.

Edit: Added correct timezome matching to kyselo to command line, found by examining date of some posts and choosing correct timezone matching the site location.

Edit2: Shortened command a bit by inlining some variables used before.

reposted by linux
11.12.2021 23:22:20
works on windows too (in git bash) - I just added start before it
11.12.2021 11:21:45 reposted from gpkvt

10.12.2021 19:19:48 reposted from memes

from https://radaetyki.loforo.com/fsq1

9.12.2021 08:11:29 reposted from dogs

from https://i.imgur.com/RhUjr.jpg

6.12.2021 18:50:05 reposted from gifs

6.12.2021 18:48:39

6.12.2021 18:46:34 reposted from gifs

5.12.2021 20:35:41

from https://ympek.loforo.com/gumd

reposted by memes
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Timeline speed: 3.33 posts per day

Just 39 pages to end...
