Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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12.4.2021 17:57:22

A group of people standing on top of a boat

from https://thumbsnap.com/i/HnGJiCWM.mp4

8.4.2021 19:22:54

8.4.2021 19:17:58 reposted from memes

4.4.2021 19:34:38 reposted from desinteressement

4.4.2021 16:37:24

4.4.2021 16:20:51

reposted by memes
3.4.2021 08:49:21 reposted from riserise

28.3.2021 14:31:25

The users who attempted to login to my linux server so far...

reposted by naich
11.3.2021 20:13:02

Smells Like Teen Spirit but every note or chord is B flat

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUD-TrPW-V4

reposted by dychterfyrst
11.3.2021 19:26:14

reposted by dogs memes severak dychterfyrst naich
10.3.2021 22:42:40 reposted from desinteressement

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Timeline speed: 28.13 posts per month

Just 23 pages to end...
