
henlo stinky

12.5.2022 22:04:10 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/goca11nnqey81.jpg

reposted by gpkvt
12.5.2022 21:52:24

from https://i.redd.it/goca11nnqey81.jpg

reposted by severak kalesor
12.5.2022 11:42:14 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

reposted by wonko
12.5.2022 11:06:57 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/o9nye3sf05961.jpg

12.5.2022 11:06:09 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

some keys on an Amstrad NC100 (Z80-based), featuring the secret menu key

12.5.2022 10:59:14 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

honey bee and paper wasp (Polistes dominula) sharing unexpected honey

12.5.2022 10:55:47 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

Mari Kalkun - Somewhere There's War

Mari Kalkun - Somewhere There's War

"Somewhere There's War" / "Kusagil on sõda" / "Десь там війна" / "Где-то там война"

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGDeZcjHIz8

12.5.2022 10:49:32 reposted from abledowa

from https://thumbsnap.com/i/kYLSdJre.jpg

12.5.2022 03:00:13

reposted by dit
10.5.2022 15:30:12 reposted from juozaspo

from https://ympek.loforo.com/betv

reposted by gpkvt
10.5.2022 15:29:16 reposted from juozaspo

from https://zzuuoo.loforo.com/ukgrw

10.5.2022 15:29:14 reposted from juozaspo

from https://zzuuoo.loforo.com/ukgrw

10.5.2022 14:09:56 reposted from juozaspo

from https://www.greenleaf.social/post/91

reposted by gpkvt
10.5.2022 14:06:13

George Michael - Freedom! ’90 (Official Video)

from https://youtu.be/diYAc7gB-0A

9.5.2022 21:12:25 reposted from cats

from https://carmenluna.loforo.com/bzu2y

reposted by wonko
9.5.2022 21:12:15 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

9.5.2022 21:11:00 reposted from dit

9.5.2022 21:10:46 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/b5tlyxcxmpx81.jpg

9.5.2022 18:32:34 reposted from looque

honey bee and paper wasp (Polistes dominula) sharing unexpected honey

9.5.2022 18:32:14 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/alpf0wrymww81.jpg

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