
henlo stinky

6.3.2022 16:39:01

Out Of Context Moomin Comics on Twitter

from https://twitter.com/OOCMoominComics/status/1499763267866021888/photo/1

reposted by kalesor wonko
6.3.2022 16:31:09

“learning to talk back to landlords on Duolingo”

from https://twitter.com/unidentifedbird/status/1445532136400818188/photo/1

reposted by looque
6.3.2022 14:38:58 reposted from juozaspo

Some say he exchanged it for a bottle of vodka

from https://www.reddit.com/r/lithuania/comments/t7994k/some_say_he_exchanged_it_for_a_bottle_of_vodka/

6.3.2022 14:38:47 reposted from desinteressement

reposted by naich gpkvt
6.3.2022 14:37:26

translation: just scroll, we need to get up...

reposted by kalesor
5.3.2022 21:32:27

reposted by abledowa
5.3.2022 21:14:05 reposted from desinteressement

5.3.2022 20:44:23

reposted by dit kalesor severak
5.3.2022 17:36:13 reposted from juozaspo

Some say he exchanged it for a bottle of vodka

from https://www.reddit.com/r/lithuania/comments/t7994k/some_say_he_exchanged_it_for_a_bottle_of_vodka/

5.3.2022 10:47:53

Ukrainian Memes Forces on Twitter

from https://twitter.com/uamemesforces/status/1499671799289761793

4.3.2022 22:37:36 reposted from juozaspo

The new lawnmower is much bigger than I expected

from https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/t6fm30/the_new_lawnmower_is_much_bigger_than_i_expected/

2.3.2022 21:48:48

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