just setting down my things from evacuating oneeyed.soup.io
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOOwtm-dytc
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2U50K13-Hg
“repostuji: o střídání času (2018).”
from https://twitter.com/gdrahns/status/1476543529392427016
“Sem tam to má vynechaný blok. Až mě uvidíte upalovat jehňata, nevšímejte si toho. Když se pletou do cesty mému botovi (který pak nemůže blok položit), budu se plést do cesty já jim.”
from https://twitter.com/elisejnik/status/1460023832585121794
“Dnešní prokrastinační aktivitou je půl hodiny koukat, jak se tvoří 6 iterací Hilbertovy křivky z dýní. Škola podporuje mé zanedbávání přípravy do školy. https://t.co/RnWtNl12sf”
from https://twitter.com/elisejnik/status/1460022778044768261
Archillect on Twitter
from https://twitter.com/archillect/status/1476451617021079552
from https://twitter.com/gayocats/status/1476254193195184131
(this picture is at coffe vending machines all over the CZ)
from https://i.redd.it/oep5jqypaog71.jpg
Microblogging platforms have been coming into their own as sites like Tumblr and Twitter have emerged to enable users to provide a shorter format for blog posts. Why microblogs? Microblog platforms offer users an easy way to make shorter format posts that take less time and overhead than a full fledge blog. Soup.io has just officially launched to offer users a microblogging platform that pay attention to your content details so different content types are displayed appropriately.
Soup.io was an Austrian social networking and microblogging site. Soup.io allowed the user to publish (editable in HTML) text, images, videos, links, quotes and reviews. It allowed users to share files (within the limit of 10 MB) and create events. Its interface professes to follow the KISS...
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=sE-tpiAiiHo
“going in a science museum see a nice keyboard think about @Foone”
from https://twitter.com/latente_flickr/status/1475856629954396160/photo/1
from https://twitter.com/gayocats/status/1475846508645781509
from https://interessiert-mich-net.loforo.com/6edwp
from https://8agienny.loforo.com/gbvxd
from https://serendipity.loforo.com/4fjud
from https://carmenluna.loforo.com/fjdw9
from https://malborghetto.loforo.com/p17yk
from https://christmas.loforo.com/xgkmb
from https://pomoor.loforo.com/g5lkh
from https://i1.kwejk.pl/k/obrazki/2021/12/rlp479v8K7pAJh8O.jpg