Luanti (formerly Minetest)

A dedicated group for Open Source voxel game called Luanti, previously named Minetest, with a gameplay style similar to minecraft.
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3.11.2024 10:51:08

Early stage of origin in the world 5 of my server. No farm built yet.

3.11.2024 10:36:50

Added a new world to my Luanti server. The screenshot above is from the spawn point, not much done in the world, spawn is not so far from origin.

29.10.2024 17:40:15

Minetest recently got rebranded to Luanti. This is a screenshot of a recent development version where the name is already changed as shown in the debug info.

7.11.2022 20:04:43

Farm at spawn complete

7.11.2022 19:52:10

A project i've been working on while on my server...

22.10.2022 19:37:36

Spawn being reworked on my server... There's now a space for a farm near the spawn house.

25.12.2021 11:18:31

Removed the weird strange looking spikey thing near the mountain at the spawn on my server (world 1). Built a mining base inside. Found a small dungeon deeper to the mountain, no loot chests there though.

reposted by juozaspo
17.12.2021 17:44:36

Helpful tips for cave & tunnel navigation. Torch atached to the left side of the wall and/or vertical torch placed at the bottom right side of the wall means cave/tunnel entrance - opposite means exit. Multiple vertical torches at the middle or both side and vertical torch in one place means "intersection", this might help to navigate through caves

reposted by juozaspo
22.12.2021 22:08:51
that torch in the wall is maze solving algorithm by always turning to one side
17.12.2021 17:10:26


reposted by juozaspo
17.12.2021 17:09:35

Second floor

reposted by juozaspo
17.12.2021 17:08:17

Inside the house

reposted by juozaspo
1.2.2021 22:44:18


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