tags  journal  playlist  RSS

23.11.2022 22:17:14 reposted from severak

fediverse news and speed of timelines

I keep exploring Fediverse and related software projects. While I want Kyselo to be interoperable I discovered that this is impossible without big refactoring of our database followed by data migration to new scheme. I don't want to do this.
So I decided that Kyselo will not federate in it's current form. However I am still interested in Fediverse and I want to create Kyselo-like Mastodon client. But this is question for the future me.
For now I added small experimental feature - I am measuring of how fast our timelines are. Unit of this measurement is number of posts per hour, day or month (whatever makes sense). So please keep those in healthy ranges.

15.1.2022 21:56:52 reposted from updates

DO NOT USE backup tool

Please, do not use backup tool. It downloads large numbers of images in short time which leads you to be banned from my hosting. Kyselo then looks completely down from your IP while other connections are completely OK.

I got banned this way. (massive facepalm)

I hope no one other got banned this way. If you know about someone, please let them contact me via my other contacts listed here.

In the near future I will move Kyselo to my own server which I acquired from my friend. There will be proper backup system with big ZIP files generated server side.

24.12.2021 09:11:41 reposted from severak

repost from Twitter

Twitter is probably most open of all social networks which I use so I added one-click-reposting to be able to repost from Foone, Archillect or any of those image reposting bots.

Also I fixed some small bugs, added random post and my random post to menu and I am still working on backup scheme.

Also - happy holiday from Kyselo!
23.4.2021 18:21:50 reposted from severak

Severak's new project

My newest project:

𝓡𝓮𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓼𝓬𝓱𝓸𝓻𝓲 - an eletronic comb organ with built-in tape recorder based on modern javascript technology.

Use your modern browser (Firefox / Chrome / Edge) and MIDI controller or computer keyboard and/or mouse.

Try it at: https://severak.github.io/cyber-music-studio/regenschori.html
12.4.2021 09:03:44 reposted from merelygifted

make web colourful again!

Firstly I would like to thank you for all the donations. One especially make me feel proud because it contained this text:

thank you for our new home 3

Do you know what else can make you feel like at home? Nice wallpapers and colors...

There is one big difference between old and the new web and that is level of customization.

On the new internet you can only change your profile photo, maybe a cover photo. On the old internet you can go full geocities if you want to.

Famous example of this was My Space, which spawned entire generation of CSS coders. Interesting fact about it is that it was actually bug not a feature. In Kyselo custom.css is actually a feature. Now you can enable hacker mode or full neon experience.

You can write your own CSS, generate it by our brand new CSS generator 3000™ or shamelesly copy it from others.

Also I have fixed annoying bug which disabled adding YouTube videos and improved the way of resizing images in CSS

And now something completely different, the numberz:

  • we are alive for 269 days (0 years 8 months)
  • we have 146 users
  • and 42 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3070 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 235 posts
  • there are about 64 post per day
  • of these 32 are originals (no reposts)
17.2.2021 21:24:46 reposted from merelygifted

Cue the tumbleweeds - it’s a text post!

I have two very good flat tire stories….no, threee! Here they are in chronological order:

During the late 80s, an often quite bitchy friend was driving us to his place on the East Side of Detroit when we got a flat.  He quietly swore once as we got out of the car.  He opened the trunk, got out the tools and the dibby dibby tire (an onomatopoeic Jamaican nickname for undersized spares), and set to work w/o another word.  Though normally talkative, I also remained silent during the entire operation, not daring to risk one of his many dramatic meltdowns.  I was amazed that he didn't throw a screeching fit, and how efficiently and quickly he changed the tire.  We easily made it to our destination.  He didn’t even whine to his roommates, one of whom drove me back across town (also w/o complaint) when the time came.

During the mid-90s Mom and I were crossing Woodward Ave at Mack, which at the time was a much-potholed intersection. It was a bitter cold January evening.  We hit something just the wrong way and a tire blew. Mom pulled over right after we’d crossed the intersection, and turned off the car.  As she was about to get out, the valet parking chap from the hoity toity music center (it was on the corner) appeared at her window.  He told us he saw what had happened, and offered to change the tire! He even told us to stay in the car so we wouldn’t freeze, as mom popped the trunk.  He began changing the tire, and apologized when he had to stop and park a customer’s car.  Mom told him there was no need for him to apologize for doing his actual job.  The two of us discussed his tip when he was almost finished (he was V quick!), and I suggested $20.  She said she was thinking $10; I pointed out how cold it was, he was so solicitous & kind as he rescued us, that there was all this traffic on the street, and how quickly he was changing it.  She agreed, and insisted when he politely declined the offered tip.

[Ed. Note: This one is the longest, but it is also the best one.]

A month later, mom, her then-BF and I were driving from the airport in Montego Bay on Jamaica’s West Coast to the small place on the North Coast where we stayed.  Mom had been warning him about the jagged edge of the road, but he would keep drifting over, and he hit the edge.  We naturally got a flat.  W/o a word I slid across the back seat & jumped out as mom bitched at him.  I leaned in his window to hit the button to open the hatch, then began pulling out all our big heavy luggage so he could access the tools and spare.  I was smiling, intuitively knowing everything would be fine.  Only one was left when he joined me, and he was shocked that I’d done it at all, let alone so cheerfully & quickly.  (My surprising upper body & arm strength back then was belied by my slight frame [those were the days!!!] and small stature.)  Mom sat in the car and fumed for a few minutes, then got out so she could yell at him some more.

I walked a little ways and happily looked around at The Bush surrounding the road.  An expensive all-inclusive hotel’s expensive bus fulla mascots (tourists) drove by, a little more slowly than the other traffic.  A woman inside it gave me a horrified stare, so my smile quickly melted and I gave her a horrified stare right back.  I laughed once the bus had passed, knowing the woman was horrified by The Very Thought of getting a flat in a third world country; I was (and am) horrified by The Very Thought of being on a bus loaded with mascots on its way to an all-inclusive!

I walked into The Bush alongside the road to escape the road and mom’s yelling.  I went a short way and found myself on a lovely rocky outcrop overlooking the bright green/blue/turquoise Caribbean, the road noise and mom all but silenced by the lush growth behind me.  I breathed in the warmth, the sunshine, the breeze, the bliss - and winter left my bones.  I went back to the road after a few minutes, and mom said she’d just been wondering where I’d gone.  I smiled, took her hand, and silently led her down the road and into The Bush, ignoring her questions and complaints.  When she saw the sea, she gasped at the beauty of the scene before her.  All her anger left her, and I said, “You know, of all the places to get a fucking flat..." then added, "This sure beats hell outta Mack and Woodward!” She laughed, and after a few enjoyable minutes we went back to the car.

A cop car pulled up and stopped behind us as we returned, and two gorgeous young men hopped out.  One had on the uniform trousers but a polo shirt; the other wore a uniform shirt and a pair of his own shorts.  The one in the shorts had a yo-yo. (I swear to God/dess I’m not making up any of this!)  They greeted us, and immediately one of them took over from mom’s BF, and rapidly finished putting on the dibby dibby tire, as he called it.  We laughed, loving the silly slang.  He also hipped us to the much sillier term foo foo tire, which made us laugh even more.  When he was done, we warmly thanked them for at least the tenth time.  After asking, “Which one of you is the boss?” mom insisted on giving him a sort-of tip, and said their first post-work drinks were on her.   :)

reposted by paket
8.2.2021 18:31:07 reposted from updates

mobile version

kyselo looks very different today isn't it?
I was always user of dumb phones. But the last one was too much dumb to use so they actually lend me a smartphone at work.
I tried use Kyselo on it and it looked awful. So I completely rewrote it to be compatible with mobile phones.
All the pages was rewritten using Bulma CSS Framework and while I was doing it I was fixing various bugs and making some improvements. It was a lot of work and I got somewhat exhausted of it.
But wait - there is more: I am working on another features - custom CSS, MP3/MP4 posting and finally commenting. Consider sending some donation to keep me working.
Also - I am taking a looooooooooooot of photos of my cat, so I created her profile on Kyselo - you can now follow her on @mnauinka.
And finally - stats:

  • we are alive for 208 days (0 years 6 months)
  • we have 144 users
  • and 40 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3036 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 197 posts
  • there are about 75 post per day
  • of these 38 are originals (no reposts)

19.11.2020 22:29:25 reposted from updates

100 days of shitposting

today it's 100 days after Kyselo was succesfully installed.

But it dates way longer than that:

  • back then in 2011 I found soup.io and registered an account here.
  • in 2015 I actually created first version of Kyselo, this time just on paper and later as HTML mockup.
  • in 2017 I started to write my diary. I used Soup for this purpose but  Soup was all 500s and no the stability, so I started work on a clone, which went live three days before Christmas.
  • in 2020 as part of ongoing apocalypse, Soup.io was shut down. So I started Kyselo project.

Today Kyselo has small but nice community. Development somewhat stalled, but new features are still being developed. Kyselo is free to use, but there is donate button which is actually used - I spent those money in tape recorders and stuff.

Finally, some numbers:

  • we are alive for 100 days (0 years 3 months)
  • we have 141 users
  • and 36 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3028 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 142 posts
  • there are about 124 post per day
  • of these 65 are originals (no reposts)
7.10.2020 23:41:49 reposted from updates

many faces of Kyselo

Kyselo is primarily a social network, but can be used in other ways:

  • as your own personal meme storage
  • as bookmark manager (very powerful when using with tags as described in last update)
  • (in fact those were original functions of my private instance when there were no other users)
  • as personal journal/diary
  • as youtube playlist

For those last two functions I added new views of your blog/group which can be enabled on your settings tab.

And now something completely different - stats:

  • we are alive for 86 days (0 years 2 months)
  • we have 139 users
  • and 35 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3009 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 125 posts
  • there are about 137 post per day
  • of these 73 are originals (no reposts)
2.10.2020 23:27:46 reposted from paket

Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbänden e. V. - Erklärung „Für eine bessere Zukunft“

Vor 30 Jahren „trat“ die DDR der BRD bei. Viele DDR-Bürger hatten die Illusion, im nunmehr vereinten Deutschland ein friedliches, freies, gleichberechtigtes und wohlhabendes Leben führen zu können. Diese Illusion hat sich für die meisten Bürger nicht erfüllt. Sie sind gestrandet in einem Gesellschaftssystem der Raffgier und des Geldes. Sie leben in einem Staat, der Kriege führt, beim Waffenexport führend ist, die EU im Interesse des Kapitals dominiert, weltweit durch bewaffnete Interventionen und durch Ausbeutung von Mensch und Natur große Zerstörung, Elend, Armut und folglich Ströme von Flüchtlingen und Migranten erzeugt, die dann im Mittelmeer ertrinken können oder von der EU-Wertegemeinschaft in menschenunwürdigen Lagern ihrem Schicksal überlassen werden.

Besonders schockiert, dass wir nun in einem Staat leben, in dem die Herrschenden Russland und seine führenden Repräsentanten auf das Übelste verleumden und politisch, militärisch und wirtschaftlich erpressen.

Die Mehrzahl der BĂĽrger der DDR, die sich fĂĽr eine bessere Zukunft engagiert hatten, wollen einen solchen Staat nicht. Sie wollen, dass Frieden, Freiheit und MenschenwĂĽrde keine leeren Floskeln bleiben. Sie werden niemals vergessen, dass die Sowjetunion Deutschland vom Faschismus befreit und dafĂĽr viele Millionen Menschenopfer erbracht hat. Freundschaft und friedliche Beziehungen mit Russland sind ihnen ein HerzensbedĂĽrfnis. Ebenso freundschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mit der Volksrepublik China. Wir fordern die Nichteinmischung in die Angelegenheiten anderer Staaten und die Aufhebung aller Sanktionen.

Die Virus-Pandemie hat die Unfähigkeit dieses kapitalistischen Gesellschaftssystems zur Lösung der wichtigsten Probleme der Menschheit offengelegt. Vorwärtsweisende Lehren daraus haben die politisch und wirtschaftlich Verantwortlichen nicht gezogen. Mit ungeheuren ungedeckten Geldsummen soll erreicht werden, dass die alten, das Leben auf unserem Planeten bedrohenden zerstörerischen Zustände, wiederhergestellt werden. Wir halten stattdessen eine grundlegende Änderung der Lebensweise für zwingend notwendig:

Schluss mit einer auĂźer Rand und Band geratenen Konsum- und VergnĂĽgungsgesellschaft und der Verdummung der Massen mit Hilfe der Medien. Produkte, die keiner braucht, werden mit irrsinnigen Werbeaktionen den Menschen aufgeschwatzt, nur um einen nutzlosen Umsatz zu generieren im Namen des Profits. Diese Produktionsweise schadet der Umwelt, sie dient nur dem Profit. Stattdessen - Besinnung auf eine vernĂĽnftige menschenwĂĽrdige LebensfĂĽhrung.

Schluss mit der Herrschaft des Finanzkapitals und seiner Spekulanten. Schluss mit der Schöpfung von Geld und Reichtum ohne Arbeit.

Schluss mit der Ansammlung von gigantischem Reichtum bei Wenigen und gigantischer Armut bei den Meisten weltweit.

Schluss mit der Herstellung billigster Lebensmittel und Konsumwaren und der Ausbeutung von Rohstoffen und Energien in den ärmsten Ländern unter menschenunwürdigen Arbeits- und Lebensbedingungen.

Schluss mit der Zersplitterung der Produktion rund um den Erdball. Folglich Schluss mit dem sinnlosen Transport von Waren und Menschen rund um den Globus zu Lande, zu Wasser und in der Luft. Besinnung auf die eigenen Ressourcen und Möglichkeiten.

Schluss mit der dem Profit dienenden Privatisierung von Gesundheitseinrichtungen, des Wohnungswesens, von sozialen Diensten, des öffentlichen Verkehrs, der Energieversorgung, in Bildung, Kultur und Sport. Rückführung in staatliches, genossenschaftliches und kommunales Eigentum mit dem Ziel, die Daseinsfürsorge der Bevölkerung zu decken.

Vor allem: Schluss mit kriegerischen Abenteuern, der Herstellung und dem Export immer neuer RĂĽstungsgĂĽter rund um den Erdball.

Wir betrachten mit Sorge, dass von den Herrschenden die Pandemie missbraucht wird, um ein gescheitertes Gesellschaftssystem nicht nur zu restaurieren, sondern expansiv und gewaltsam rund um den Erdball zu installieren.

Wir befürchten, dass die Bekämpfung der Pandemie zum Vorwand wird, um durch Sparorgien neue Lasten auf die Bevölkerung abzuwälzen und demokratische Grundrechte weiter abzubauen.

Wir rufen alle Bürgerinnen und Bürger auf, sich derartigen Bestrebungen öffentlich zu widersetzen.

Wir ermutigen und unterstĂĽtzen insbesondere die jungen Generationen darin, aktiv ein friedliches, sozial gerechtes und die Umwelt schonendes Gesellschaftssystem einzufordern.

Wir fordern alle links orientierten Parteien, Verbände und Organisationen auf, ideologische und personelle Vorbehalte zurück zu stellen und sich gemeinsam für die Erreichung dieser überlebenswichtigen Ziele zu verbünden.

9.9.2020 23:58:09 reposted from updates

consume! (RSS)

in last update, I asked you for donations. After one day first donation arrived and to this day seven people donated.

One of them is Andrzej even though he has no account on Kyselo yet. He asked for RSS channel of /all. Because this is relatively easy I implemented it - /all/rss.

There are also another improvements:

  • there is new RSS button for humans and <link> tag for machines
  • you can now watch RSS feed of certain tag - e.g. things I found funny - /severak/rss?tag=funny
  • tags works also for /all, but you have to make URLs yourself - e.g. https://kyselo.eu/all?tag=important
  • THE END looks better
  • if you link to Kyselo from Facebook, link now looks better
  • and finally - stats are autogenerated

Speaking of stats, here are some:

  • we are alive for 57 days (0 years 1 months)
  • we have 136 users
  • and 34 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 1814 posts
  • most active group is @cats with 109 posts
  • there are about 155 post per day
  • of these 82 are originals (no reposts)

Timeline speed: 0.41 posts per month


You have reached the end...

