Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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17.7.2022 19:30:40

reposted by wonko
17.7.2022 10:47:42

reposted by naich raumfahrtagentur
17.7.2022 10:41:43

reposted by memes naich
17.7.2022 10:40:14

17.7.2022 10:37:10

reposted by naich telu
17.7.2022 10:36:47 reposted from wtf

16.7.2022 21:32:32

reposted by dit naich kalesor fail
16.7.2022 21:14:55

reposted by fail amphetaminelogic
13.7.2022 21:05:19 reposted from memes

22.6.2022 17:42:35

drunk cat

from https://juozaspo.loforo.com/ejacu

reposted by naich
22.6.2022 16:47:05

It appears that chat is back :D

It was missing for a long time :)

19.6.2022 20:29:52 reposted from fail

Another left turn crash at the 11foot8+8 bridge

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXF7Hx4VHXU

16.6.2022 06:23:02 reposted from cats


15.6.2022 06:54:32 reposted from dit

4.6.2022 22:44:26 reposted from gpkvt

31.5.2022 18:28:24

Goodwill Ransomware Forces Victims to be "Charitable"

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kaFF1n8ZzaU

24.5.2022 23:54:33 reposted from raccoons

24.5.2022 19:39:21 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/zkru459yitt31.jpg

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Timeline speed: 16.98 posts per month

Just 48 pages to end...
