Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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5.3.2022 12:54:33 reposted from birds

2.3.2022 19:55:21

Confused Russian soldier told he fought in Ukraine under Russia’s threat of prison time

Confused Russian soldier told he fought in Ukraine under Russia’s threat of prison time

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8MajqG-ZSg

27.2.2022 16:16:31

Chat gone

Just noticed that chat link were removed from menu, not sure it was an accident or intentional. Also the chat page is showing an error 500 with Verboten (Forbidden) shown in text.

28.2.2022 14:10:41
this is known issue. It just waits for me to run certificate renew script.
23.2.2022 21:39:00 reposted from cats

from https://i.imgur.com/JUfxr.jpg

23.2.2022 18:59:12

reposted by birds kalesor schaaf
23.2.2022 18:16:45

reposted by memes
22.2.2022 16:44:39

reposted by cats memes
20.2.2022 19:52:41

reposted by memes
20.2.2022 19:45:21

reposted by memes
20.2.2022 09:01:13

reposted by memes
20.2.2022 08:57:14

reposted by memes
19.2.2022 22:08:16 reposted from linux

Double dollar sign ($$) in bash

It substitutes to PID of the current running shell. For example running

ps -Alf|grep $$

generates interesting results, as shown below

$ ps -Alf|grep $$
0 S juozas     11125   11120  0  80   0 -  3391 do_wai 22:43 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
4 R juozas     11197   11125  0  80   0 -  3506 -      22:46 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -Alf
0 S juozas     11198   11125  0  80   0 -  2859 pipe_w 22:46 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto 11125

Another example is to use it in the file names where it gets substituted with the PID of the current running shell.

$ cat >f$$.txt <<EOF
This is a test. The pid of running shell is $$
$ cat f$$.txt
This is a test. The pid of running shell is 11125
$ ls f$$.txt
$ LC_ALL=C rm -v f$$.txt
removed 'f11125.txt'
18.2.2022 19:55:18 reposted from memes

18.2.2022 19:22:09 reposted from birds

18.2.2022 18:08:21 reposted from birds

18.2.2022 17:59:03 reposted from fail

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