8.12.2024 11:46:27

reposted by dit
6.12.2024 00:19:36 reposted from dit

Supertramp - Fool's Overture (1977 HQ Vinyl Rip) - Technics 1200G / Audio Technica AT33PTG/II

from https://youtu.be/alABCXhy7qM

5.12.2024 08:48:58 reposted from dit

The Cure - The Caterpillar

from https://youtu.be/nzxJ5YvYfx4

reposted by dit
5.12.2024 08:48:53 reposted from dit

The Cure - The Caterpillar

from https://youtu.be/nzxJ5YvYfx4

5.12.2024 08:05:46 reposted from dit

Supertramp - Fool's Overture (1977 HQ Vinyl Rip) - Technics 1200G / Audio Technica AT33PTG/II

from https://youtu.be/alABCXhy7qM

3.12.2024 19:47:16

reposted by dit
2.12.2024 19:03:29

coco jambo na 300letnich organach w kościele

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5ShotO8GUs

reposted by memes
2.12.2024 15:39:04

Front 242 - Crushed

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0cjmQTQpKM

reposted by dit
2.12.2024 01:50:25

Violent Femmes - Prove My Love

from https://youtu.be/1Aw8fxxSn1k?list=PLtPqy66FKl5tgeFZDY1tiLm5wqujdbQ_z

reposted by dit
2.12.2024 00:39:37

It's Not You

from https://youtu.be/JohiapW1MC8

reposted by dit
1.12.2024 01:12:57

Säkkijärven polkka (Jam session version)

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-io6xILHgg

30.11.2024 20:52:37 reposted from test

Workaround for oversized group popup menu when following of too many groups

Adding this to CSS code for group/user/etc styles would just do that.

@media screen and (min-width:1024px) {
.navbar-dropdown {
overflow: auto;
max-height: calc(100vh - 3.25rem)

Edit: updated code to be compatible with the menu shown for smaller screens, should no longer affect items shown in this menu.

30.11.2024 20:23:09

reposted by win dit
29.11.2024 23:50:57 reposted from dit

OXO86 Rien Ne Va Plus (offizieller Videoclip)

from https://youtu.be/ek42XAiEZ0Q

29.11.2024 14:05:26

reposted by dit dit
28.11.2024 16:00:16

28.11.2024 14:40:14

Dancing Polish Cow on iPhone (GarageBand)

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qtc6Bek8WgM

28.11.2024 01:33:13 reposted from dit

David Bowie - Let's Dance (1983) vinyl

from https://youtu.be/etPJZFQpUxI

reposted by dit
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