
I am new here
24.7.2024 18:47:31

reposted by kalesor
24.7.2024 18:21:09

24.7.2024 18:16:46

19.7.2024 17:05:45

18.7.2024 17:49:16 reposted from fightling

18.7.2024 17:41:30 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

reposted by wonko
18.7.2024 17:41:25 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

18.7.2024 17:41:13 reposted from juozaspo

15.7.2024 22:23:33


reposted by dit
13.7.2024 17:30:10

reposted by kalesor severak
12.7.2024 16:26:20

Loforo just broke

9.7.2024 18:52:59

Ouji-sama no Tomodachi

9.7.2024 15:24:08 reposted from desinteressement

Sydney Long - Spirit of the Plains

9.7.2024 15:24:06 reposted from desinteressement

Sadder than a single star that sets at twilight in a land of reeds - Sydney Long

9.7.2024 15:23:31 reposted from desinteressement

9.7.2024 15:23:17

cornelius / the sun is my enemy (long edit)


reposted by pmusicp
6.7.2024 18:46:25

Mount Pinatubo

reposted by dit
5.7.2024 13:12:54

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