
henlo stinky

24.11.2022 17:10:59

from https://i.imgur.com/i7VC64D.jpeg

reposted by sofia
24.11.2022 17:08:54 reposted from desinteressement

24.11.2022 17:07:56 reposted from severak

czech version of "flowers by irene" meme....
(BIS is our internal secret service, but in this picture is "bibliographic information services")

24.11.2022 17:01:34

czech version of "flowers by irene" meme....
(BIS is our internal secret service, but in this picture is "bibliographic information services")

reposted by looque
24.11.2022 17:08:09
damn i love international translated humor
24.11.2022 18:31:37
@looque I think this is actual situation which makes it even more funny.
24.11.2022 07:48:18

reposted by kalesor looque
23.11.2022 22:17:14 reposted from severak

fediverse news and speed of timelines

I keep exploring Fediverse and related software projects. While I want Kyselo to be interoperable I discovered that this is impossible without big refactoring of our database followed by data migration to new scheme. I don't want to do this.
So I decided that Kyselo will not federate in it's current form. However I am still interested in Fediverse and I want to create Kyselo-like Mastodon client. But this is question for the future me.
For now I added small experimental feature - I am measuring of how fast our timelines are. Unit of this measurement is number of posts per hour, day or month (whatever makes sense). So please keep those in healthy ranges.

23.11.2022 21:59:19 reposted from updates

fediverse news and speed of timelines

I keep exploring Fediverse and related software projects. While I want Kyselo to be interoperable I discovered that this is impossible without big refactoring of our database followed by data migration to new scheme. I don't want to do this.
So I decided that Kyselo will not federate in it's current form. However I am still interested in Fediverse and I want to create Kyselo-like Mastodon client. But this is question for the future me.
For now I added small experimental feature - I am measuring of how fast our timelines are. Unit of this measurement is number of posts per hour, day or month (whatever makes sense). So please keep those in healthy ranges.

reposted by larrygreensky
23.11.2022 21:57:34

fediverse news and speed of timelines

I keep exploring Fediverse and related software projects. While I want Kyselo to be interoperable I discovered that this is impossible without big refactoring of our database followed by data migration to new scheme. I don't want to do this.
So I decided that Kyselo will not federate in it's current form. However I am still interested in Fediverse and I want to create Kyselo-like Mastodon client. But this is question for the future me.
For now I added small experimental feature - I am measuring of how fast our timelines are. Unit of this measurement is number of posts per hour, day or month (whatever makes sense). So please keep those in healthy ranges.

reposted by severak
23.11.2022 21:18:02

If Beethoven Were A METAL Bassist...

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EI0OP7o8cM

23.11.2022 17:05:20

ヤプーズ/Not Dead Luna 【歌詞付き】

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GxlK6_vNms

23.11.2022 12:11:14 reposted from severak

the sound you dont want to hear

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jnb6uYAzuno

23.11.2022 12:11:09

the sound you dont want to hear

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jnb6uYAzuno

reposted by memes kalesor
23.11.2022 00:00:43 reposted from ncms

22.11.2022 23:55:58 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/w0dcsm2wcbz91.png

22.11.2022 23:55:09 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

22.11.2022 23:54:30 reposted from looque

22.11.2022 23:51:50 reposted from looque

22.11.2022 23:50:08 reposted from severak

22.11.2022 23:12:01 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

22.11.2022 23:11:52 reposted from severak

22.11.2022 22:30:57 reposted from severak

22.11.2022 20:39:23 reposted from severak

reposted by dit
22.11.2022 19:14:59

reposted by raumfahrtagentur kalesor xal
22.11.2022 17:07:34

reposted by lol dit gpkvt kalesor
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