Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
[Tumblr|​X/Twitter|​Pillowfort|​Loforo|​Mastodon] [Random post]

16.4.2022 18:14:09 reposted from dit

[l] Wissenschaftlern ist es gelungen, Schrödingers Katze zu fotografieren.

from via fefe

16.4.2022 11:16:39 reposted from severak

Blawan - Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage [Hinge Finger]

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mR6zmSTDNE

16.4.2022 11:16:32

Blawan - Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage [Hinge Finger]

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mR6zmSTDNE

reposted by pmusicp
16.4.2022 11:09:11 reposted from severak

16.4.2022 11:09:09 reposted from severak

16.4.2022 11:09:05

reposted by memes dogs kalesor
14.4.2022 17:23:19 reposted from cats

from https://larrygreensky.loforo.com/ljqdx

14.4.2022 12:37:03 reposted from dit


13.4.2022 20:32:11

Installed Ubuntu 22.04 LTS from scratch, to be released within a week (April 21, 2022)

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is soon to be released so I decided to do a complete reinstall. After booting into Linux Live USB first I've deleted everything from my old install except for the important stuff I needed to keep. Then I've reinstalled the base system using debootstrap and used a script I made to enter the chroot, I installed required packages there to make it boot and to be able to access network. Finally I've installed everything else I needed including graphical interface where a list of installed previously packages would help alot. Such list could be generated by running commands as shown in example below.

First generate package list files while in old system as shown below

$ apt-mark showmanual > manual_old.txt
$ dpkg-query -Wf '${Package}\n' > packages_old.txt

After reinstalling system repeat same in the new installation, only change output file names where needed.

$ apt-mark showmanual > manual.txt
$ dpkg-query -Wf '${Package}\n' > packages.txt

Finally compare package list files generated above, a list of missing packages would be stored in files as shown below

$ sort manual_old.txt > 1.txt; sort manual.txt > 2.txt; comm -23 1.txt 2.txt > missing_manual.txt
$ sort packages_old.txt > 1.txt; sort packages.txt > 2.txt; comm -23 1.txt 2.txt > missing.txt

reposted by juozaspo
13.4.2022 08:47:55 reposted from dit

13.4.2022 03:16:33

12.4.2022 16:05:02

12.4.2022 11:45:02

“oh shit oh fuck”

from https://twitter.com/slackerpal/status/1513281377063485444

12.4.2022 01:06:41

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - North Korean Edition

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifLqzLEB3E0

reposted by dit
11.4.2022 21:25:10

depths of wikipedia on Twitter

from https://twitter.com/depthsofwiki/status/1513593308123054081

11.4.2022 13:29:24

“『よろず~ニュース』(デイリースポーツ)に、中銀カプセルタワービルの解体について取材いただきました。明日12日の解体開始日は国内外のテレビや新聞、ネットなど数十メディアで取り上げられます。 https://t.co/Os1zWfymC0”

from https://twitter.com/nakagincapsule/status/1513477205787312133/photo/1

11.4.2022 10:36:33

“Did a quick teardown of the Casio Pocket-Mini that I bought at the flea market yesterday. It does not get more cyber-punk than this. The VFD tube is so adorable!”

from https://twitter.com/MohitBhoite/status/1513291627699183619

11.4.2022 10:28:33

reposted by dit
11.4.2022 10:21:04 reposted from looque

it's an old pic but it's good

from https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOG82oAUcAMwJIb?format=jpg&name=small

11.4.2022 10:13:20 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

peace is ... cheaper

reposted by dit larrygreensky
11.4.2022 10:13:11 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/gf13udi7b5a71.jpg

9.4.2022 19:14:09 reposted from cats

from https://tomash.loforo.com/xlho

9.4.2022 18:11:06 reposted from kalesor


from https://i.redd.it/d7y128owmbl61.jpg

9.4.2022 18:08:32 reposted from severak

from https://xanth.souper.io/post/31786/Image

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