I am horse
I have noticed that there was no robots.txt file on Kyselo. So I added one. While I was doing it I added possibility to hide your profile from web scraping robots (and activated this for my cat). It can be enabled on your blog settings (new checkbox exclude from search engines).Note that posts are still public and robots can index whatever is reposted. Also everyone page is not yet hidden from robots (this may change in the future).While I was doing it I added filtering by post types to the your /yourblog/tags page. I also added export for twtxt - it's now automatically enabled for anyone at /yourblogblog/twtxt page. It exports only text posts.
As I want to migrate from bitbucket, I updated our github source code mirror.More features coming soon.* * *
from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onZcB3y2RTM
from https://i1.kwejk.pl/k/obrazki/2022/11/pspLfawdEIqgFphq.jpg
Kyselo now has monitoring page. There are two servers which are monitored:
cover art of Kitaro's "from the full moon story" ('78)
from https://twitter.com/gayocats/status/1593214879938158594
from https://cdn.netzpolitik.org/wp-upload/2022/11/wanderlust-twitter-mastodon-860x484.jpg
recording today...
from https://youtu.be/QhcOrDDyQsU
from https://i.redd.it/baf2g6bvsrf81.jpg
from https://img2.joyreactor.cc/pics/post/full/art-kojiro337-7691625.jpeg
from https://i.redd.it/v8uvn22ydhz91.png
It s getting dark too early
- Dont notify when commenting on post of myself.
- Add react button for comment (tág Who we are reacting to)