admin's soup

(owner of this site - just alter nick for @severak)

see @updates for news on Kyselo project

15.1.2022 21:04:57

DO NOT USE backup tool

Please, do not use backup tool. It downloads large numbers of images in short time which leads you to be banned from my hosting. Kyselo then looks completely down from your IP while other connections are completely OK.

I got banned this way. (massive facepalm)

I hope no one other got banned this way. If you know about someone, please let them contact me via my other contacts listed here.

In the near future I will move Kyselo to my own server which I acquired from my friend. There will be proper backup system with big ZIP files generated server side.

reposted by severak larrygreensky naich juozaspo schaaf
15.1.2022 20:31:03 reposted from looque



13.1.2022 19:42:52

public workshop and iron plant

reposted by minetest
13.1.2022 19:41:53

water intake for hydroelectric dam

reposted by minetest
13.1.2022 19:41:26

hydroelectric dam built by Jonas2

reposted by minetest
13.1.2022 19:40:25

medieval-like village called Ruzice...

reposted by minetest
13.1.2022 19:39:45 reposted from juozaspo



13.1.2022 19:39:41 reposted from pointless

12.1.2022 16:38:52

6.1.2022 23:02:20 reposted from minetest

locations on map...

6.1.2022 23:02:16 reposted from minetest

built new railway...

6.1.2022 01:19:59 reposted from juozaspo


6.1.2022 01:19:48 reposted from demotivational


5.1.2022 01:25:51

Au Revoir, Space Cowboys...


4.1.2022 17:19:24 reposted from movies

4.1.2022 09:40:08

The IT Crowd - Series 2 - Episode 3: Piracy warning


3.1.2022 15:40:46

“Barack Obama ve svých pamětech o Václavu Klausovi …”


3.1.2022 10:10:18

“Some great photos of Prague’s Těšnov train station, which stood a short distance from the site of today’s Florenc McDonald’s. The station opened in 1875 and was demolished a century later to make way for the much-hated magistrála through road.”


3.1.2022 00:07:31 reposted from updates

privacy policy & backups

as there are new EU cookies rules from 2022, I wanted to sort out these things for Kyselo. I changed how cookies works on Kyselo - now cookies is only saved when needed. This should also (probably) means fewer logouts. Also there is new more visible privacy policy.

Some of you already noticed there is new download backup option in the main menu. This is for downloading backup of your blog, but you need separate tool to download images. Backup format is documented here, it's already possible to import it back to Kyselo (or any other sites running same code).

* * *

we are alive for 538 days (1 years 5 months)
we have 151 users
and 45 groups
most active group is @memes with 356 posts
there are about 44 post per day
of these 21 are originals (no reposts)
3.1.2022 00:07:16

privacy policy & backups

as there are new EU cookies rules from 2022, I wanted to sort out these things for Kyselo. I changed how cookies works on Kyselo - now cookies is only saved when needed. This should also (probably) means fewer logouts. Also there is new more visible privacy policy.

Some of you already noticed there is new download backup option in the main menu. This is for downloading backup of your blog, but you need separate tool to download images. Backup format is documented here, it's already possible to import it back to Kyselo (or any other sites running same code).

* * *

we are alive for 538 days (1 years 5 months)
we have 151 users
and 45 groups
most active group is @memes with 356 posts
there are about 44 post per day
of these 21 are originals (no reposts)

reposted by severak
3.1.2022 06:21:24
Tried compiling your tool from git using nim, got error.
/home/juozas/Darbastalis/kyselo-tool/kyselo.nim(34, 15) Error: type mismatch: got <HttpClient, Uri, string>
but expected one of:
proc downloadFile(client: HttpClient; url: string; filename: string)
first type mismatch at position: 2
required type for url: string
but expression 'imgUri' is of type: Uri
1 other mismatching symbols have been suppressed; compile with --showAllMismatches:on to see them

expression: downloadFile(client, imgUri, target)
3.1.2022 09:25:20
@juozaspo I will look at home if I forgot to commit last changes.
3.1.2022 20:00:53
@juozaspo it seems you have same version of code as me but you are probably using older version of Nim (I use 1.6.2).

But it should be easily backported probably. Also - I can provide this script in another language maybe. Please suggest what would be good.
3.1.2022 20:54:47
@severak I have nim version 1.0.6, included with Ubuntu archives (focal release). I might upgrade nim to newer version if I find a good ppa then I'll try again.
Edit: Got it working. Removed old nim, installed new using choosenim script, from nim-lang site, added stuff that were needed needed to path, after reboot compilation works, no crash yet :)
Edit2: For it to work I needed to compile script with ssl support. Now images are downloading w/o problem. Also syntax -D filename.ext does not work while syntax -D=filename.ext still work.
1.1.2022 22:29:54

Threatening Music Notation on Twitter


reposted by telu
1.1.2022 22:12:24 reposted from juozaspo

1.1.2022 22:12:20 reposted from juozaspo

reposted by looque
1.1.2022 22:12:11

“bardzo fajnie”


reposted by kalesor schaaf
1.1.2022 01:19:40

reposted by dit gpkvt
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