6.8.2023 12:40:11 reposted from sofia

be best

from https://i.redd.it/rdrel2mzy7a51.jpg

6.8.2023 12:39:23 reposted from pointless

4.8.2023 15:31:53

My internet died today

The primary isp connection I use to connect to the internet just suddently stopped working. It appears it's an issue related to my area (city) and I'm only able to use mobile phone internet that has limited data. Worked for a short while, then - gone.
Edit: It's back. This was a temporary downtime. Fixed on isp side.

28.7.2023 13:58:32

27.7.2023 09:01:36 reposted from severak

21.7.2023 15:42:19 reposted from pmusicp

Eumir Deodato - Crabwalk

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6Tf-Re2po8

20.7.2023 14:45:39

The Danger of Popcorn Polymer: Incident at the TPC Group Chemical Plant

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-3BFXpBcjc

19.7.2023 20:17:21 reposted from severak

19.7.2023 18:44:54 reposted from larrygreensky

reposted by abledowa
19.7.2023 18:44:21 reposted from updates

find your memes more easily

I implemented gallery view for your Kyselo blogs to be able to find memes more easily. It works in same way as on your phone - you have grid of small preview of each image you posted sorted by months. 
You have to enable it in settings of your blog/group, but it works on all blogs/groups if you can figure out address. 

There are some issues with webp and animated images and generating of thumbnails sometimes takes time, but it's cached once thumbnail is generated.
More features coming soon.

16.7.2023 14:36:28

find your memes more easily

I implemented gallery view for your Kyselo blogs to be able to find memes more easily. It works in same way as on your phone - you have grid of small preview of each image you posted sorted by months. 
You have to enable it in settings of your blog/group, but it works on all blogs/groups if you can figure out address. 

There are some issues with webp and animated images and generating of thumbnails sometimes takes time, but it's cached once thumbnail is generated.
More features coming soon.

reposted by looque
14.7.2023 17:26:37 reposted from severak

14.7.2023 13:26:28

reposted by severak kalesor
13.7.2023 18:06:07 reposted from bears

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