
The Grasshopper Lies Heavy

11.1.2022 11:29:20 reposted from juozaspo


from https://twitter.com/gayocats/status/1480617946628050944

10.1.2022 23:06:48

reposted by desinteressement severak
7.1.2022 20:51:07

5.1.2022 20:02:09

Pingu roasts Franklin

from https://youtu.be/hyncZauw17s

3.1.2022 17:50:16

reposted by qdeu telu
2.1.2022 22:13:31

Privacy policy

Who runs this site?
This site is run by Mikoláš Štrajt (Severák) in his free time. I am also user of Kyselo.

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1.1.2022 12:33:16

1.1.2022 01:04:46 reposted from kalesor

reposted by naich
31.12.2021 17:17:54

reposted by telu
31.12.2021 17:14:59

Caramelldoomsen (Relaxing armor)

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owEKTfe1Gno

30.12.2021 22:31:51

reposted by kalesor juozaspo
30.12.2021 13:45:54 reposted from severak

slečna Hrubá on Twitter

from https://twitter.com/hrubefotky/status/1402170872367026178

30.12.2021 13:44:43 reposted from looque


from https://i.redd.it/c14eo0ifdp781.png

30.12.2021 13:43:45 reposted from severak

from https://serendipity.loforo.com/4fjud

29.12.2021 12:05:22

reposted by schaaf tank juozaspo
28.12.2021 08:19:15 reposted from juozaspo

from https://christmas.loforo.com/xgkmb

27.12.2021 13:53:35 reposted from severak

slečna Hrubá on Twitter

from https://twitter.com/hrubefotky/status/1402170872367026178

reposted by naich
25.12.2021 13:41:18

reposted by naich schaaf
24.12.2021 15:00:47 reposted from severak

irena on Twitter

from https://twitter.com/irenabursova/status/1474288044958175237

22.12.2021 22:25:00 reposted from severak

Merry Christmas!

22.12.2021 22:24:37 reposted from severak

22.12.2021 06:10:54

from https://manxx.loforo.com/95lzp

reposted by juozaspo severak
22.12.2021 04:59:02 reposted from merelygifted



Flashy shibe


Those ears look like the marvelous denty-in European glass ornaments  XD

from https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_q25gg3SmUX1vmobp0_720.mp4

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