
The end of the internet.

19.11.2022 12:13:01

19.11.2022 00:14:15

reposted by memes
18.11.2022 23:52:38 reposted from juozaspo


from https://twitter.com/gayocats/status/1593214879938158594

18.11.2022 23:52:29 reposted from desinteressement

reposted by looque gpkvt
18.11.2022 23:52:09

reposted by memes dit
18.11.2022 23:42:13

reposted by desinteressement
18.11.2022 23:37:21

recording today...

21.11.2022 22:07:20
is it a Kawai K1 ?
21.11.2022 23:22:41
yes, it's Kawai K1
18.11.2022 12:43:07

reposted by kalesor dit severak xal
18.11.2022 12:31:52

reposted by dit
18.11.2022 09:53:10

In Deutschland leben nur 150 Katzen, die jeweils mehrere tausend Familien gleichzeitig haben

from https://youtu.be/QhcOrDDyQsU

17.11.2022 16:58:29

reposted by kalesor raccoons
16.11.2022 23:20:09

reposted by kalesor
16.11.2022 17:28:13 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/baf2g6bvsrf81.jpg

16.11.2022 15:18:27

reposted by kalesor dit
16.11.2022 00:13:30

reposted by memes
15.11.2022 16:45:30 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/baf2g6bvsrf81.jpg

14.11.2022 16:32:18 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/v8uvn22ydhz91.png

reposted by telu
12.11.2022 20:16:41 reposted from demotivational

12.11.2022 17:30:54

It s getting dark too early 

12.11.2022 17:16:31

notes for myself

- Dont notify when commenting on post of myself.

- Add react button for comment (tág Who we are reacting to)

12.11.2022 00:02:24 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

11.11.2022 22:24:40 reposted from updates

hear the less talkative

There is a one thing for which algorithmic timeline is superior to chronologic one - it cal let you hear the less talkative. Chronological timeline - on the other hand - strongly favours those who talk more.

I added new mode of everyone page which shows last posts by each user. I also added the possibility to sort users by last activity and number of posts. There is also new unfiltered view which shows all posts which get posted on kyselo including reposts.

Last new thing is cron job sending you once a week e-mail when you got unread new message or more than five notifications.

More new features coming soon™.

* * *

and now stats:

  • we are alive for 851 days (2 years 3 months) 
  • we have 151 users and 48 groups 
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3183 posts 
  • most active group is @memes with 438 posts 
  • there are about 34 post per day of these 16 are originals (no reposts)

12.11.2022 10:49:20
holy crap I'm number 3 DAYUMMMM
12.11.2022 17:10:29
11.11.2022 21:25:35

we had weird bug when Kyselo home page looked like this...
I know the reason for this bug but I need to came up with proper solution.

reposted by test dit
11.11.2022 22:30:08
occational css dice?
12.11.2022 20:17:40
@raumfahrtagentur weird version of HTML/CSS injection
11.11.2022 21:00:41

Why does HTML think “chucknorris” is a color?

Why do certain random strings produce colors when entered as background colors in HTML? For example, bgcolor="chucknorris" produces a red background: <body bgcolor="chucknorris">...

reposted by dit berlin
11.11.2022 16:00:54 reposted from severak

11.11.2022 16:00:46

reposted by cats raumfahrtagentur
11.11.2022 01:59:42

Satoshi Kon, cover art for Perfect Blue Storyboard — Are.na

Are.na is a platform for connecting ideas and building knowledge.

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