
The end of the internet.

16.4.2022 11:16:32

Blawan - Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage [Hinge Finger]

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mR6zmSTDNE

reposted by pmusicp
16.4.2022 11:09:05

reposted by memes dogs kalesor
13.4.2022 03:16:33

12.4.2022 16:05:02

12.4.2022 11:45:02

“oh shit oh fuck”

from https://twitter.com/slackerpal/status/1513281377063485444

12.4.2022 01:06:41

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - North Korean Edition

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifLqzLEB3E0

reposted by dit
11.4.2022 21:25:10

depths of wikipedia on Twitter

from https://twitter.com/depthsofwiki/status/1513593308123054081

11.4.2022 13:29:24

“『よろず~ニュース』(デイリースポーツ)に、中銀カプセルタワービルの解体について取材いただきました。明日12日の解体開始日は国内外のテレビや新聞、ネットなど数十メディアで取り上げられます。 https://t.co/Os1zWfymC0”

from https://twitter.com/nakagincapsule/status/1513477205787312133/photo/1

11.4.2022 10:36:33

“Did a quick teardown of the Casio Pocket-Mini that I bought at the flea market yesterday. It does not get more cyber-punk than this. The VFD tube is so adorable!”

from https://twitter.com/MohitBhoite/status/1513291627699183619

11.4.2022 10:21:04 reposted from looque

it's an old pic but it's good

from https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FOG82oAUcAMwJIb?format=jpg&name=small

11.4.2022 10:13:20 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

peace is ... cheaper

reposted by dit larrygreensky
11.4.2022 10:13:11 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/gf13udi7b5a71.jpg

7.4.2022 13:51:22

7.4.2022 10:59:59 reposted from gpkvt

from https://sohryu.loforo.com/wm42k

7.4.2022 10:59:46 reposted from gpkvt

from https://i.imgur.com/JFy5M.jpg

6.4.2022 16:13:26

“I've been teaching a class on representations of the North of England in the 1930s - & had never seen these beautiful collages by Julian Trevelyan of Bolton (1937-8), done as part of Mass Observation. Newspaper perfectly captures the scruffy dereliction of industrial wastelands.”

from https://twitter.com/OSaumarezSmith/status/1333339706894012418/photo/1

5.4.2022 22:26:47

reposted by schaaf naich
5.4.2022 22:25:40

reposted by kalesor
5.4.2022 16:51:58

depths of wikipedia on Twitter

from https://twitter.com/depthsofwiki/status/1511350950874828800

reposted by looque schaaf
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