
The end of the internet.

19.2.2021 14:48:13

from https://thumbsnap.com/i/EHGap4AT.png

reposted by looque kalesor
19.2.2021 14:11:25

reposted by lol
19.2.2021 13:27:33 reposted from memes

19.2.2021 13:27:21 reposted from juozaspo

19.2.2021 12:13:10

19.2.2021 01:02:34 reposted from cats

reposted by telu
19.2.2021 01:02:05 reposted from juozaspo

19.2.2021 01:01:46 reposted from kelu

reposted by telu
19.2.2021 01:01:26 reposted from kelu

18.2.2021 21:17:45

reposted by juozaspo
18.2.2021 19:04:59 reposted from memes

18.2.2021 17:56:03

reposted by juozaspo severak
18.2.2021 15:42:22 reposted from desinteressement

18.2.2021 15:42:09

Аквариум(Aquarium) / Дети Декабря(Children of December)

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mogqlsGnKz8

reposted by pmusicp
18.2.2021 15:38:13

reposted by severak
18.2.2021 12:33:31

reposted by kalesor riserise naich
18.2.2021 12:24:53

reposted by kalesor
18.2.2021 11:17:20 reposted from juozaspo

18.2.2021 10:39:16 reposted from looque



from https://i.redd.it/swkjq8bgwph61.png

reposted by schaaf
18.2.2021 10:38:59 reposted from memes

17.2.2021 23:04:57

17.2.2021 22:36:42 reposted from lol

17.2.2021 17:06:33

17.2.2021 16:02:50 reposted from pmusicp

Julie Driscoll, Brian Auger & The Trinity - Season Of The Witch

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne7CFsVufy4

17.2.2021 14:57:10

reposted by trains
17.2.2021 14:56:55 reposted from looque

typing the memes into google translate helps

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