
henlo stinky

5.5.2022 11:13:57

The Buggles - Living In The Plastic Age (Full Length Promo) (1980) (HD)

The Buggles - Living In The Plastic Age (Full Length Promo) (1980) (HD)

"They send the heart police to put you under cardiac arrest

And as they drag you through the door
They tell you that you've failed the test"

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFqo8WkP14k

reposted by dit pmusicp
5.5.2022 11:08:30

Tears For Fears - Pale Shelter (Remastered Audio) HD

Tears For Fears - Pale Shelter (Remastered Audio) HD

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_ecB0TKEeo

5.5.2022 09:35:05

Doris Days: To Ulrike M. (Zero 7 Mix)

Doris Days: To Ulrike M. (Zero 7 Mix)

"Ich halte die Straße keineswegs für ein ganz besonders geeignetes Mittel, seine Meinung bekannt zu machen. Wenn einem aber nichts anderes übrig bleibt, dann bin ich allerdings der Ansicht, dass es außerordentlich demokratisch ist, wenn es Leute gibt, die die einzige Öffentlichkeit, nämlich die der Straße, benutzen und davon öffentlich Gebrauch machen." (U.M.)

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n36wTzUCIHU

reposted by pmusicp
5.5.2022 08:37:52

honey bees getting proud of spring's efforts and turn into bumpers

reposted by kalesor
5.5.2022 02:14:47

from https://thumbsnap.com/i/kYLSdJre.jpg

reposted by abledowa
5.5.2022 01:16:12

some keys on an Amstrad NC100 (Z80-based), featuring the secret menu key

reposted by dit larrygreensky
4.5.2022 16:23:01 reposted from tank


The perfect human doesn't exi...

from https://preview.redd.it/0pm8u1n6i9x81.gif?format=mp4&s=302abaf06f5043eda614926cda76b20e5b6f4c63

4.5.2022 14:38:33

4.5.2022 13:26:28 reposted from dit

Air - Bird (Official Audio)

...fliegt und lauft ...

from https://youtu.be/I1_ZBB1-Jc0

4.5.2022 13:19:47 reposted from dit


4.5.2022 13:19:17 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/lkh7dcu6of741.png

4.5.2022 13:19:04 reposted from looque

from https://i.imgur.com/obfTDr0.png

4.5.2022 13:19:02 reposted from looque

from https://i.imgur.com/4156dS7.png

4.5.2022 13:18:58 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/5boaw6osu2s81.jpg

4.5.2022 13:18:54 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/o9nye3sf05961.jpg

4.5.2022 13:18:50 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/6cgzkb5ntol41.png

4.5.2022 13:18:43 reposted from desinteressement

4.5.2022 10:27:56 reposted from tank


The perfect human doesn't exi...

from https://preview.redd.it/0pm8u1n6i9x81.gif?format=mp4&s=302abaf06f5043eda614926cda76b20e5b6f4c63

4.5.2022 10:26:08 reposted from looque

from https://i.imgur.com/obfTDr0.png

3.5.2022 15:33:31 reposted from desinteressement

3.5.2022 14:16:13

reposted by looque severak
2.5.2022 21:26:35 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/hp8dwc1lxao61.png

reposted by xal
2.5.2022 21:12:30

from https://i.redd.it/sppxrhpbgnn41.jpg

reposted by kalesor
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