
official place to get news on kyselo project

(run by @severak)

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4.8.2021 21:48:25

all your memes belong to us

Did you ever wanted to easily repost memes from or without manually copying image URLs, taking screenshots or doing other workarounds?

Now it's possible - just open new tab with image you want to repost and use kyselo bookmarklet to post it here.

I have already reposted this medieval shitpost and this non-fiction book cover but many other memes will come.

I can also add support for another sites - I just need some site with predictable HTML structure to let my black magic code do it's job. Let me know in the comments...

Speaking of comments - something big is coming soon, something that will change your tune... Stay tuned and maybe throw some euros in my hat to let my know that you like these updates...

  • we are alive for 387 days (1 years 0 months)
  • we have 147 users
  • and 43 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3070 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 286 posts
  • there are about 51 post per day
  • of these 25 are originals (no reposts)

reposted by severak naich
10.8.2021 23:58:08
it seems there is a bug when reposting from group on loforo...
also another bug when reposting things actually hosted by tumblr...
those will be fixed later