
founder of this site and creator of Kyselo / AKA @admin

formerly at, now on tildeverse

this is shitposting account, for updates see @updates
also see my cat @mnauinka

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4.9.2021 15:16:47

I am going on vacation

I am going on vacation next week. I will be back at Monday 13th September.

I am staying at place where there is no internet connection not even any computer, so I cannot fix Kyselo if it's broken at this time.

But keep shitposting, I want to see new memes when I am back.

reposted by naich schaaf
4.9.2021 17:57:21
also have a nice vacation :-*
13.9.2021 01:07:22
thanks @looque seems like Kyselo survived this time :-D