
For static images. For moving images https://coub.com/jaki1896


2.1.2022 22:13:31

Privacy policy

Who runs this site?
This site is run by Mikoláš Štrajt (Severák) in his free time. I am also user of Kyselo.

This is not for-profit-operation but only some random guy hosting meme storage for others.

How is this site financed?
Hosting fees are paid from two sources
1) my own money
2) donations received on my paypal

What kinds of data does this site collect?
With notable exception of usage statistics, this site saves only data entered by its users. You can edit and delete your posts and comments.
Your email is not shown to other users and it will be used only to contact you by server admins (or Kyselo itself) in case of some problems (e.g. forgotten password).
Note that your posts can be reposted by other users and when you delete or edit original post, reposts will not be affected (in fact reposts are copies of original post).
If you want to delete your blog, reposts of your post, some uploaded image or anything other, please contact me in Kyselo (or elsewhere).

Which cookies are saved?

There is only one cookie called kyselo which is saved only when needed (for login, switching NSFW mode and displaying messages after redirects). This cookie is not used for usage statistics.
If you play some videos youtube can save cookies on your device. This can be avoided by not playing videos.

How can I trust you?

Well, this is good question. If you can read it you can look on our source code and source code of our statistics app.

18.11.2021 18:27:30 reposted from updates

Great Kyselo user survey

I was reading an article about XMPP comeback and I started to investigate how to implement some big experimental feature into Kyselo. I am still excited about this idea but I think this is right time to think about future of Kyselo project.

So now there is GREAT KYSELO USER SURVEY when I want to ask you what do you like and don't like about Kyselo, which new features would you like to see or how do you actually use it.

Another thing which I would like to investigate is future legal form of Kyselo. In current state sole operation and financial side of Kyselo depends on me as a person. If something goes wrong with me (or my family budget) it can be pretty bad for Kyselo too. I need to invent some more stable structure which essentialy means bring more people into Kyselo team.

So please fill our little user survey and I am going make this big meme dump social network of your dreams.
10.8.2021 23:34:35 reposted from updates

please leave us a comment

Until today, Kyselo was missing one important thing, which enables social networks to be really social and news websites to be those burning hellholes which they are. That both horrible and both wonderful thing is commenting. Now you can leave your comments under every post on  Kyselo (once you are logged in).

Another new thing is notification system. I am not going full facebook and invent notifications out of thin air, but you can already be notified when:

- somebody comments on your post
- somebody mentions you in the comment
- somebody starts following you
- somebody joins group you are member of

I hope these new features will help us build more live community.

* * *

  • we are alive for 393 days (1 years 0 months)
  • we have 147 users
  • and 43 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3070 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 286 posts
  • there are about 51 post per day
  • of these 25 are originals (no reposts)

reposted by severak
10.8.2021 23:37:46
this is example comment. You can mention anybody, for example @severak
17.8.2021 18:13:09
Umm.. could you add "description" box under video posts? @severak
25.8.2021 17:23:05
Fuck yeah, comments 🥳
29.10.2021 01:49:40
@severak could you add support for coub.com?
29.10.2021 11:24:37
@poprostujakub I would look into that
6.8.2021 02:00:43 reposted from dychterfyrst

from https://thumbsnap.com/i/ZXzAqnqK.jpg

6.8.2021 01:58:53 reposted from desinteressement

6.8.2021 01:57:51 reposted from desinteressement

6.8.2021 01:56:12 reposted from desinteressement

6.8.2021 01:56:05 reposted from desinteressement

6.8.2021 01:55:54 reposted from desinteressement

6.8.2021 01:52:51 reposted from desinteressement

reposted by dit
6.8.2021 01:52:43 reposted from desinteressement

6.8.2021 01:46:55 reposted from wonko

6.8.2021 01:44:30 reposted from abledowa

6.8.2021 01:43:46 reposted from abledowa

6.8.2021 01:43:04 reposted from abledowa

6.8.2021 01:42:37 reposted from abledowa

6.8.2021 01:41:50 reposted from abledowa

6.8.2021 01:41:42 reposted from abledowa

reposted by poprostujakub
6.8.2021 01:40:53 reposted from abledowa

6.8.2021 01:40:05 reposted from abledowa

reposted by poprostujakub dit
6.8.2021 01:39:35 reposted from abledowa

reposted by poprostujakub
6.8.2021 01:38:11 reposted from abledowa

from https://i.redd.it/ohmbysuu94g21.png

reposted by dit
6.8.2021 01:37:33 reposted from abledowa

reposted by dit
6.8.2021 01:37:16 reposted from abledowa

reposted by poprostujakub
6.8.2021 01:36:44 reposted from abledowa

reposted by dit
6.8.2021 01:35:10 reposted from abledowa

6.8.2021 01:35:03 reposted from abledowa

6.8.2021 01:34:46 reposted from abledowa

6.8.2021 01:34:41 reposted from abledowa

reposted by poprostujakub
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