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4.8.2020 23:42:36


So, the bar I work at opened back up last night, and I gotta say, y'all: Just fucking don't go to restaurants right now. Just don't do it.

I understand that people want to support restaurants that they love, but there's a level of nonchalance here that really betrays how poorly America is dealing with this pandemic.

America has a considerably higher rate of COVID cases and fatalities in relation to our population than most other countries. What seems like "progress" to us, currently, is what would seem catastrophic to other countries.

And, to zoom in smaller: yes, you want to support your small businesses. I appreciate that, I know your heart is in the right place. But you're putting me in danger, and my loved ones in danger --- as well as yourself and your loved ones.

Everyone who came in last night seemed like they were just cosplaying four months ago.

With everything that's going on right now (COVID, BLM protests, governmental abuse of power, climate disasters,) nothing goes away because you get tired of it, or tired of thinking about it.

"B-b-but patio seating!"

So fucking what. I'm changing gloves / washing my hands every single time that I grab anyone's plate or cup or anything to make sure that nothing cross-contaminates. I'm sanitizing constantly --- but I'm a human, and there's only so much I can do.

I'm creating this illusion of normalcy for you in order to pay my bills, and it's fucking awful.

A surgeon literally came in last night and said, "oh, you have better masks than we do!" and it was fucking awful.

If that's a fine environment for you to enjoy a meal, be my guest.

We're letting capitalistic gears drive what should be an empathetic decision.

Just don't go to restaurants right now. Support in other ways. Just know that things aren't normal, even as much as we all really want them to be.

(Oh, other small note: nobody tipped any more than usual, even though they "want to support us." V cool.)

(via jwz)

reposted by dychterfyrst