Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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29.5.2024 06:48:54

from https://tomash.loforo.com/uhkf

reposted by kalesor
18.5.2024 08:22:26

Upgraded ram for my old computer

It was the time to upgrade ram so I looked for compatible ram modules the internet and found some on Ebay. They arrived a bit earlier than expected and not so pricy so it was a good deal. Earlier I tried different ram but that didn't work so I had to look for compatible ram list in my motherboard manual and found some still available to buy. I upgraded ram to max amount possible so the system performs way better now as there're virtually no slowdowns as there''s enough memory to run most things.

14.5.2024 15:16:20

reposted by sheep dit
12.5.2024 21:21:21

from https://zarziki.loforo.com/amlb6

reposted by dit
9.5.2024 10:44:33

from https://kompleksdziury.loforo.com/2e98

reposted by dit
9.5.2024 10:42:47

from https://kerio13.loforo.com/fwncs

reposted by kalesor
6.5.2024 17:51:08

from https://awaken.loforo.com/zzw5o

reposted by severak
24.4.2024 18:09:31

from https://radaetyki.loforo.com/kuhq

reposted by fail
14.4.2024 20:28:43

Windows Blocks Windows

reposted by kalesor
13.4.2024 16:04:26

2.4.2024 20:19:20

Twitter now autolinks browser.search. Great :\

21.3.2024 16:21:51

reposted by raumfahrtagentur
21.3.2024 16:18:47

16.3.2024 20:40:51

A Man Ate 120 Gummy Probiotics For Lunch. This Is What Happened To His Organs.

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8BqtDfZ8r4

15.3.2024 22:13:40

My firefox installation on Ubuntu got updated to 124

Mozilla is ready to release Mozilla Firefox 124, so Mozilla ppa for Ubuntu already has it already built even before the release date even though currently it is in the beta state. Because of that  Firefox version 124 got installed even if officially latest release is only Firefox 123 and no Release notes for 124 is ready yet.

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