Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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31.3.2023 22:55:38

25.3.2023 20:48:40

23.3.2023 14:45:16

Linus Tech Tips and Tech Quickie channels got hacked on youtube. The channel url was replaced with a scam url. I was able to save a screenshot before it was terminated by YouTube.

21.3.2023 08:36:47

Google being stupid annoys me more than needed. Searching almost anything from mobile triggers a captcha.

18.3.2023 19:12:50 reposted from trains

17.3.2023 10:26:38

Google captcha triggeted by attempting to search Easter 2023 in lithuanian.

15.3.2023 18:53:49

reposted by cats memes
15.3.2023 18:50:58

reposted by cats memes
1.3.2023 18:19:59

1.3.2023 20:45:57
the hobbits the hobbits the hobbits the hobbits to Isengard to Isengard
1.3.2023 18:06:32

reposted by looque
28.2.2023 21:47:08

Oneline random image html file generator

The command below generates a html file pointing to 100 random image files found in the directory tree of the working directory. You can adjust it to your needs by putting the paths you want to exclude or adding more extensions to placeholders as shown below. The output file shows images centered on screen, with max widths no larger than screen.

echo -e "<html>\n<head>\n<title>Random Images</title>\n</head>\n<style>\nimg {max-width:100%; height:auto}\nbody{text-align:center}\n</style>\n<body>\n$(find -type f -not \( -ipath "./paths/*" -or -ipath "./to/*" -or -ipath "./exclude/*" \) -and \( -iname "*.jpg" -or -iname "*.jpeg" -or -iname "*.png" -or -iname "*.gif" -or -iname "*.webp" -or -iname "*.bmp" \) | cut -d\/ -f2- | sort | shuf -n 100 | tr '\n' '\0' | xargs -0 -I{} echo "<div style=\"margin:auto\"><img title=\"{}\" src=\"$(realpath "{}")\"></div>")</body>\n<html>" > /tmp/random.htm

The output file is saved as /tmp/random.htm

reposted by linux
27.2.2023 14:35:54

reposted by demotivational memes
27.2.2023 14:32:45

reposted by fail kalesor
27.2.2023 14:29:42 reposted from demotivational

27.2.2023 14:28:36

reposted by larrygreensky severak raumfahrtagentur
26.2.2023 22:52:45

Electrocuted mouse

reposted by dit kalesor raumfahrtagentur
26.2.2023 21:13:08

reposted by kalesor looque
25.2.2023 10:37:41

Russian Missile Alert System Hacked

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYrRL0WQz5Q

24.2.2023 19:07:49

reposted by kalesor dit
23.2.2023 20:54:57

Zero Width Space

A vere useful where text needs to be wrapped and regular spaces cannot be used. The unicode for it is 0x200B, in linux it can be inserted by typing Ctrl+Shift+U with unicode characher code following right after that


Having a nbsp (0x00A0) in tags also returns weird results in when browsing and/or reading posts. It also can't be copy-pasted. It must be typed manually by using keyboard shortcut and hex code right after that.

reposted by test
23.2.2023 19:42:11 reposted from foobar123

reposted by telu
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