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16.1.2023 19:05:02

rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

Trying to install an old Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS version and make it usable along currently running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS would fail as it would lead to dependency hell and other problems when trying to install video drivers. Just by installing base system, default kernel (2.6.x) and networking components the system would not boot unless booted from external usb with old bootloader installed on it. Also if target partition was formatted from modern system the bootloader would not install to any drive nor create its config files. It would still not work as the screen would not show anyhing unless the backported kernel (3.0.x) were installed from the repositories. It would require proprietary nvidia driver on graphical interface as open source driver would not work with my monitor as I found eariler. And after installing a newer kernel version that would work with current bootloader (from a deb file other than what is available on repositories) the nvidia driver installation would still fail as no kernel headers would be found at the time. Trying to install kernel header deb files would not work unless dpkg was updated to a version newer than available on the repositories. After upgrading dpkg and installing kernel headers the kernel modules would fail to build as it would not work with current c compiler, trying upgrade it would require manually downloading and installing required debs, and it might lead to dependency hell not mentioning some debs that would not be available to download ending with a system w/o working graphics. As I was trying to find such packages I ended by running the rm -rf --no-preserve-root /  just out of frustration since I was unable to find them online :\ Also later I found that even backported 3.0.x nvidia kernel modules still wouldn't build as such kernel might be incompatible and/or driver would be broken. Conclusion: don't try to install a newer kernel from packages not coming in repositories and then try to install graphics drivers as it might lead to many problems in the future. Also don't use backported kernel as it would not be compatible with provided nvidia driver. Use virtual machine instead if needed.

reposted by raumfahrtagentur linux