Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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24.2.2022 14:03:07 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

23.2.2022 21:38:11

from https://i.imgur.com/JUfxr.jpg

reposted by juozaspo
23.2.2022 19:54:47 reposted from juozaspo

23.2.2022 18:59:20 reposted from juozaspo

23.2.2022 18:17:19 reposted from juozaspo

23.2.2022 14:27:30 reposted from severak

Muslim Style Techno Dance

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NDy6Rlijzo

23.2.2022 14:27:25

Muslim Style Techno Dance

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0NDy6Rlijzo

reposted by memes dit
23.2.2022 10:43:17

reposted by tank naich
22.2.2022 16:44:48 reposted from juozaspo

22.2.2022 16:44:46 reposted from juozaspo

22.2.2022 13:34:51 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

20.2.2022 19:52:48 reposted from juozaspo

20.2.2022 19:45:26 reposted from juozaspo

20.2.2022 09:27:19 reposted from juozaspo

20.2.2022 09:01:38 reposted from juozaspo

20.2.2022 08:57:22 reposted from juozaspo

19.2.2022 21:50:31

Double dollar sign ($$) in bash

It substitutes to PID of the current running shell. For example running

ps -Alf|grep $$

generates interesting results, as shown below

$ ps -Alf|grep $$
0 S juozas     11125   11120  0  80   0 -  3391 do_wai 22:43 pts/0    00:00:00 bash
4 R juozas     11197   11125  0  80   0 -  3506 -      22:46 pts/0    00:00:00 ps -Alf
0 S juozas     11198   11125  0  80   0 -  2859 pipe_w 22:46 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto 11125

Another example is to use it in the file names where it gets substituted with the PID of the current running shell.

$ cat >f$$.txt <<EOF
This is a test. The pid of running shell is $$
$ cat f$$.txt
This is a test. The pid of running shell is 11125
$ ls f$$.txt
$ LC_ALL=C rm -v f$$.txt
removed 'f11125.txt'

reposted by juozaspo
19.2.2022 20:35:25 reposted from looque


from https://i.redd.it/g62o2rltwmg81.jpg

reposted by gpkvt
19.2.2022 20:34:26 reposted from looque


from https://i.redd.it/ba973f4gw1i81.jpg

19.2.2022 20:31:57 reposted from looque


from https://i.redd.it/n5x7xj5j5og81.jpg

reposted by gpkvt
18.2.2022 23:30:05

reposted by telu
18.2.2022 20:56:51 reposted from fail

18.2.2022 20:56:47 reposted from birds

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