28.2.2023 11:55:45

from https://i.redd.it/1w7w9e74gtga1.png

reposted by kalesor
28.2.2023 11:54:34

from https://i.redd.it/0akepul3e9ka1.jpg

reposted by severak
27.2.2023 21:50:51 reposted from juozaspo

27.2.2023 14:35:54

reposted by demotivational memes
27.2.2023 14:32:45

reposted by fail kalesor
27.2.2023 14:29:42 reposted from demotivational

27.2.2023 14:28:36

reposted by larrygreensky severak raumfahrtagentur
26.2.2023 22:52:45

Electrocuted mouse

reposted by dit kalesor raumfahrtagentur
26.2.2023 21:13:08

reposted by kalesor looque
25.2.2023 10:37:41

Russian Missile Alert System Hacked

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYrRL0WQz5Q

24.2.2023 19:07:49

reposted by kalesor dit
24.2.2023 00:10:59 reposted from juozaspo

from https://i.redd.it/315n6ijrqq3a1.jpg

23.2.2023 20:54:57

Zero Width Space

A vere useful where text needs to be wrapped and regular spaces cannot be used. The unicode for it is 0x200B, in linux it can be inserted by typing Ctrl+Shift+U with unicode characher code following right after that


Having a nbsp (0x00A0) in tags also returns weird results in when browsing and/or reading posts. It also can't be copy-pasted. It must be typed manually by using keyboard shortcut and hex code right after that.

reposted by test
23.2.2023 19:42:11 reposted from foobar123

reposted by telu
23.2.2023 19:41:45 reposted from kalesor


23.2.2023 19:38:48 reposted from gpkvt

23.2.2023 19:38:34 reposted from gpkvt

23.2.2023 19:36:45 reposted from desinteressement

reposted by telu
23.2.2023 19:35:26 reposted from desinteressement

from https://asset.soup.io/asset/14925/5426_9755_500.jpeg

23.2.2023 23:59:57
that link, how do you do that
24.2.2023 06:40:06
dunno; this is just a repost of old post
23.2.2023 19:34:51 reposted from severak

23.2.2023 19:34:02 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/315n6ijrqq3a1.jpg

reposted by looque
23.2.2023 15:15:01

reposted by kalesor dit
23.2.2023 15:12:45

reposted by kalesor
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