
I am new here
19.3.2023 13:41:36 reposted from severak

reposted by fightling
19.3.2023 13:38:53

The ever-present danger of global variables.

from https://mastodon.world/@tazz602/110036684806729840

reposted by kalesor severak raumfahrtagentur
18.3.2023 19:56:28

reposted by dit
18.3.2023 07:04:57 reposted from cats

18.3.2023 05:45:10

18.3.2023 00:37:22

this is how FOSS gets sometimes into global politics (mainline linux kernel rejects BAIKAL -related patches)

16.3.2023 04:48:46


reposted by dit
16.3.2023 04:27:05

reposted by cats severak
16.3.2023 04:18:29

reposted by dit
16.3.2023 03:30:39

Internet nur mit Licht an

reposted by dit looque fightling
14.3.2023 20:29:52 reposted from dit

Keine Party

Reclaim the Planet

from https://youtu.be/oYSfVL8w6Rs?list=PLEpjZ6a3i26cS1_0M8cNWFYvRDjZP4W6w

14.3.2023 12:24:59 reposted from juozaspo

from https://tchort.loforo.com/rj5mh

14.3.2023 12:17:44 reposted from looque

Don't squeeze - they don't honk

from https://i.redd.it/4prxxoar80ca1.jpg

14.3.2023 12:13:55 reposted from desinteressement

14.3.2023 08:53:33 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/ehz3e94r3nka1.jpg

14.3.2023 08:50:46 reposted from desinteressement

11.3.2023 14:13:58 reposted from juozaspo

reposted by dit
10.3.2023 02:47:25

eMMC games

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