
founder of this site and creator of Kyselo / AKA @admin

formerly at, now on tildeverse

this is shitposting account, for updates see @updates
also see my cat @mnauinka

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5.9.2023 16:34:25 reposted from dit

16.8.2023 15:09:22 reposted from dogs


14.8.2023 15:32:30

reposted by kalesor
4.8.2023 01:09:41

reposted by dit
29.7.2023 13:10:28

one of most important memes at all...

reposted by dit cats
26.7.2023 19:47:20

reposted by memes cats juozaspo
25.7.2023 17:06:33 reposted from dogs

24.7.2023 15:23:27 reposted from desinteressement

20.7.2023 11:07:38

reposted by raumfahrtagentur telu
16.7.2023 14:06:34

16.7.2023 14:06:22

16.7.2023 14:06:12

16.7.2023 13:25:49 reposted from larrygreensky

14.7.2023 14:29:31

working on new Kyselo feature inspired by this (Album app on my Android phone)

14.7.2023 13:47:52 reposted from juozaspo

14.7.2023 11:21:57 reposted from juozaspo


14.7.2023 10:36:17

reposted by desinteressement dit
14.7.2023 10:36:08

14.7.2023 10:34:45

14.7.2023 10:34:35

reposted by kalesor raumfahrtagentur
14.7.2023 10:34:24

14.7.2023 10:34:12

reposted by kalesor
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Timeline speed: 16.98 posts per month
