Juozas's Dump

A growing collection of anime, photos and any other kind of weird content.
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15.2.2022 19:23:17

reposted by memes kalesor
15.2.2022 06:12:14


from https://twitter.com/gayocats/status/1493437419344982021

reposted by cats
13.2.2022 20:38:10 reposted from cats

reposted by abledowa
13.2.2022 17:28:16 reposted from foxes

from https://tokyomews.loforo.com/6nefu

13.2.2022 15:19:11

reposted by memes kalesor
13.2.2022 14:44:51

reposted by memes
13.2.2022 14:32:11

reposted by memes
13.2.2022 14:24:47

13.2.2022 09:13:08

reposted by cats memes
12.2.2022 20:24:20

from https://i.imgur.com/r7T0x.png

reposted by memes
10.2.2022 11:14:42 reposted from memes

from https://tchort.loforo.com/vydad

7.2.2022 13:10:34 reposted from pointless

6.2.2022 20:23:40

my name is giovanni giorgio but everybody calls me giorgio

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIOzOR7-NqI

reposted by memes birds
6.2.2022 19:19:42

Always make sure you bring an MP5 gun with you - just in case.

from https://ph03nix.loforo.com/always-make-sure-you-bring-an-mp5-gun-wi

reposted by kalesor
4.2.2022 14:15:52 reposted from pointless

1.2.2022 19:12:53

C418 - Cat played over cursed images of cats

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gs12pq3yz5k

1.2.2022 16:22:43

Wanna hear the most annoying meme in the world?

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjWySs-Q6Yk

reposted by memes vids
31.1.2022 14:22:48 reposted from trains

from https://tokyomews.loforo.com/runaway-train

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