31.12.2022 11:26:49

reposted by tank
31.12.2022 11:25:51

I don't understand what the text says

31.12.2022 11:50:04
"Aah.. It's an arm.."
Why the ellipses are two dots each is beyond me tho.
31.12.2022 11:55:39
thank you!
yeah no idea, these were the dark ages of memes. see the 9gag watermark and the primitive reaction face (nowadays we have the sophisticated wojak memes that are not at all similar to this)
31.12.2022 12:06:19
I never thought I would be missing ragefaces..
*sad rocking chair creaking noises*
31.12.2022 11:25:26

reposted by kalesor raumfahrtagentur
31.12.2022 11:25:09

31.12.2022 11:19:53

reposted by kalesor
30.12.2022 14:00:51

this year energy...

(translation: I have expected nothing but I am still disappointed)

29.12.2022 10:31:17

by Nadim Zaidi

28.12.2022 19:01:58

Leonard Cohen - The Future (Live in London)

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8WlbQRoz3o4

reposted by pmusicp
28.12.2022 17:18:57

Kyselo development be like:

28.12.2022 17:18:37

Letovice castle in the prehistory:

28.12.2022 12:30:21

reposted by reactions
28.12.2022 00:06:42

I am learning CAD instead of working on new Kyselo features...

27.12.2022 13:48:18 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

wintering starlings in Berlin S-Bahn station Alexanderplatz, imitating train's 'doors closing' triad

from https://www.tagesspiegel.de/images/im-bahnhof-alexanderplatz-uberwintern-viele-stare/alternates/BASE_21_9_W1000/im-bahnhof-alexanderplatz-ueberwintern-viele-stare.jpeg

25.12.2022 22:16:16

25.12.2022 22:08:05

25.12.2022 22:07:55

reposted by tank kalesor
25.12.2022 22:07:37

25.12.2022 22:07:24

reposted by kalesor
25.12.2022 22:07:12

reposted by tank
25.12.2022 22:06:57

25.12.2022 22:06:47

reposted by kalesor juozaspo
25.12.2022 12:09:56

merry christmas

from https://i.redd.it/jrw6hi52uq7a1.jpg

reposted by kalesor
25.12.2022 11:32:55 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/vfahy21afk3a1.jpg

25.12.2022 11:31:47 reposted from severak

25.12.2022 11:31:37 reposted from severak

25.12.2022 09:58:30 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

24.12.2022 11:30:57

Robert A. McCabe

Young greek woman bringing bread from the bakery back to her village. Santorini, 1959. Album can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zamrhz

from https://i.redd.it/ttojbyo3oh3a1.jpg

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