
28.7.2022 23:55:43 reposted from juozaspo

28.7.2022 23:54:48 reposted from juozaspo

28.7.2022 23:54:42 reposted from fail

28.7.2022 23:43:49 reposted from kalesor

honey bee visiting Verbascum spec. in the early morning breeze

2.1.2022 22:13:31

Privacy policy

Who runs this site?
This site is run by Mikoláš Štrajt (Severák) in his free time. I am also user of Kyselo.

This is not for-profit-operation but only some random guy hosting meme storage for others.

How is this site financed?
Hosting fees are paid from two sources
1) my own money
2) donations received on my paypal

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With notable exception of usage statistics, this site saves only data entered by its users. You can edit and delete your posts and comments.
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How can I trust you?

Well, this is good question. If you can read it you can look on our source code and source code of our statistics app.

25.12.2021 17:07:32 reposted from severak

“Not only has the inception of the automobile destroyed our cities, but it's also decimated our cultural institutions. The Michigan Theater in Downtown Detroit is nothing more than a parking garage today some 50 years after its closing.”


25.12.2021 17:07:15 reposted from severak

“i dont remember where i stole this from ~1y ago but feeling the need to bring it back”


23.12.2021 22:19:09 reposted from severak

23.12.2021 22:18:58 reposted from severak

Archillect on Twitter


23.12.2021 22:18:30 reposted from severak

Some mornings are better than others...

llustration by French cartoonist Jean-Jacques Sempé.

23.12.2021 22:18:14 reposted from gloomypersephone

from via kraftfuttermischwerk

23.12.2021 22:18:02 reposted from gloomypersephone


21.12.2021 22:04:32 reposted from alxander

21.12.2021 22:04:28 reposted from alxander

21.12.2021 22:04:23 reposted from alxander

21.12.2021 22:03:32 reposted from zciach

21.12.2021 22:03:09 reposted from zciach

21.12.2021 22:02:57 reposted from zciach

21.12.2021 22:02:01 reposted from looque



21.12.2021 21:49:07 reposted from juozaspo


21.12.2021 21:48:12 reposted from movies

Stalker (Andrei Tarkowski 1979)


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