Time kills me, I kill my time

Just stuff I like.

3.1.2022 10:10:18

“Some great photos of Prague’s Těšnov train station, which stood a short distance from the site of today’s Florenc McDonald’s. The station opened in 1875 and was demolished a century later to make way for the much-hated magistrála through road.”

from https://twitter.com/Ian_Willoughby/status/1477918797180948481/photo/1

3.1.2022 00:07:31 reposted from updates

privacy policy & backups

as there are new EU cookies rules from 2022, I wanted to sort out these things for Kyselo. I changed how cookies works on Kyselo - now cookies is only saved when needed. This should also (probably) means fewer logouts. Also there is new more visible privacy policy.

Some of you already noticed there is new download backup option in the main menu. This is for downloading backup of your blog, but you need separate tool to download images. Backup format is documented here, it's already possible to import it back to Kyselo (or any other sites running same code).

* * *

we are alive for 538 days (1 years 5 months)
we have 151 users
and 45 groups
most active group is @memes with 356 posts
there are about 44 post per day
of these 21 are originals (no reposts)
2.1.2022 22:13:31

Privacy policy

Who runs this site?
This site is run by Mikoláš Štrajt (Severák) in his free time. I am also user of Kyselo.

This is not for-profit-operation but only some random guy hosting meme storage for others.

How is this site financed?
Hosting fees are paid from two sources
1) my own money
2) donations received on my paypal

What kinds of data does this site collect?
With notable exception of usage statistics, this site saves only data entered by its users. You can edit and delete your posts and comments.
Your email is not shown to other users and it will be used only to contact you by server admins (or Kyselo itself) in case of some problems (e.g. forgotten password).
Note that your posts can be reposted by other users and when you delete or edit original post, reposts will not be affected (in fact reposts are copies of original post).
If you want to delete your blog, reposts of your post, some uploaded image or anything other, please contact me in Kyselo (or elsewhere).

Which cookies are saved?

There is only one cookie called kyselo which is saved only when needed (for login, switching NSFW mode and displaying messages after redirects). This cookie is not used for usage statistics.
If you play some videos youtube can save cookies on your device. This can be avoided by not playing videos.

How can I trust you?

Well, this is good question. If you can read it you can look on our source code and source code of our statistics app.

1.1.2022 22:29:54

Threatening Music Notation on Twitter

from https://twitter.com/notation_wut/status/1477326460994179073

reposted by telu
1.1.2022 22:12:24 reposted from juozaspo

1.1.2022 22:12:20 reposted from juozaspo

reposted by looque
1.1.2022 22:12:11

“bardzo fajnie”

from https://twitter.com/BogusOrder/status/1476851015701958656

reposted by kalesor schaaf
1.1.2022 01:19:40

reposted by dit gpkvt
31.12.2021 20:45:53

reposted by dit
31.12.2021 20:41:42

Dark Stock Photos on Twitter

from https://twitter.com/darkstockphotos/status/1476994469866127361

31.12.2021 15:55:10 reposted from juozaspo

from https://jottos.loforo.com/gayad

reposted by naich
31.12.2021 15:54:38 reposted from updates

Happy New Year!

I want to wish everybody here Happy New Year!

There are some updates already prepared to land in January.

Keep posting in 2022.

reposted by naich
31.12.2021 13:08:22

from https://ph03nix.loforo.com/otazw

reposted by qdeu
31.12.2021 13:07:02

from https://foobar123.loforo.com/bc3dw

reposted by naich qdeu gpkvt
31.12.2021 11:26:29

“Kids of the future won't understand the struggle”

from https://twitter.com/JenMsft/status/1476693871732035589

reposted by schaaf qdeu
31.12.2021 00:56:02

“Středověká odpověď na hejtování pejskařů - výroba sanytru (jedné ze základních složek střelného prachu) ze psích exkrementů. (Válečné umění, asi 1420-1440, horní Porýní) https://t.co/HFKIx2epPX”

from https://twitter.com/TomBorovsk1/status/1476470977500434433

30.12.2021 23:10:59 reposted from looque


from https://i.redd.it/qxifultay8881.jpg

reposted by naich
30.12.2021 23:08:38 reposted from demotivational

from https://nesrait.loforo.com/kocbd

reposted by gpkvt
30.12.2021 18:02:27

reposted by kalesor qdeu telu
30.12.2021 18:02:14

reposted by kalesor schaaf
30.12.2021 17:59:22

30.12.2021 17:54:15

reposted by kalesor telu
30.12.2021 17:54:02

(police station in Plzeň)

30.12.2021 17:53:04

reposted by kalesor qdeu
30.12.2021 17:52:52

reposted by juozaspo schaaf
30.12.2021 17:52:34

reposted by juozaspo dit telu
30.12.2021 17:52:16

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