von Vorne drauf geschaut siehts noch bizarrer aus.
from https://img.morgenpost.de/img/berlin/crop237752431/464765468-w1200-cv16_9-q85/cccb36bc-b462-11ed-853c-9cb1c10acc66.jpg
Electrocuted mouse
from https://i.redd.it/xelcbgkqlkga1.png
from https://www.thisiscolossal.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/BRONZE-%C2%A9Staffan-Widstrand_Hide-and-seek-640x478@2x.jpg
Ein Graben ist auch nur eine Mauer
from https://img.morgenpost.de/img/incoming/origs228422467/6257063080-w1280-h960-q85/Reichstag-Graben.jpg
Der Himmel über Berlin | Video | Ein unsterblicher Engel beobachtet die Menschen in Berlin, ohne sich in ihr Leben einzumischen. Bis er sich eines Tages unsterblich in eine schöne Zirkusartistin verliebt.
'as long as you are standing
give a hand to those who have fallen'
Elephant for size.
by: Herakut, Wes21 & Onur
from https://www.thisiscolossal.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/mori-1-640x562@2x.jpg
This has been a Raspberry3 (still, and for a while, Unobtainium). - When using this heatsink and ever have the need for heat sink removal, you'll face a situation like this. Use other heat sinks, or just don't ever remove the attached one. Or replace the original gap pad and use another one w/ less or none adhesive power.
from https://youtu.be/9c8458pMDps
"Evening in Beppu" by Kawase Hasui, 1929
a very expensive mug shot of a U2 on a balloon (HR)
from https://youtu.be/jIzIv1vY1gk