
henlo stinky

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1.6.2022 20:30:57

We cannot adapt our way out of climate crisis, warns leading scientist (Guardian)

“If we continue with business-as-usual greenhouse gas emissions, there is no adaptation that is possible. You just can’t,” she said, in an interview with the Guardian. These impacts would be felt across the world, she warned. “Our infrastructure, worth trillions of dollars, built over decades, was built for a planet that no longer exists,” she said. Changing that infrastructure would cost further trillions, so allowing greenhouse gas emissions to continue to grow would mean ever-rising impacts and costs. The whole of modern life was at stake, she added. “Human civilisation is based on the assumption of a stable climate,” she said. “But we are moving far beyond the stable range.”

25.12.2021 21:48:04 reposted from severak

foone on Twitter

“friendly reminder since this is going around again: DO NOT EAT THE RICH! it's called bio-magnification, people! the rich are at the top of the food chain, so they accumulate toxins from their food at a greatly increased rate. Instead, /compost/ the rich. https://t.co/zKvlGSdgUv”

26.3.2021 20:39:10

Suspendierung einer Polizeibeamtin wegen rechtsextremer Chatnachrichten rechtswidrig

Nachdem am 16. September 2020 Landesinnenminister Reul die Aufdeckung rechtsextremer Chatgruppen in der nordrhein-westfälischen Polizei öffentlich gemacht hatte und hierzu "Sensibilisierungsgespräche" geführt worden waren, wandte sie sich an ihre Dienststellenleitung. Sie gab an, sie habe die Gespräche zum Anlass genommen, die auf ihrem Smartphone gespeicherten Nachrichten durchzusehen. Dabei habe sie in mehreren WhatsApp-Gruppen einzelne problematische Bilddateien und Sticker festgestellt. Drei von vier betroffenen Chatgruppen gehörten ausschließlich Kommissaranwärter und -anwärterinnen an. Das Polizeipräsidium Düsseldorf hat die Beamtin daraufhin vom Dienst suspendiert. Zur Begründung hieß es, sie stehe im Verdacht, eine mit einer demokratischen Grundordnung unvereinbare Gesinnung zu teilen und sei charakterlich für den Polizeivollzugsdienst ungeeignet, weil sie die Nachrichten auf ihrem Smartphone belassen und ihrer Verbreitung nicht entgegengewirkt habe. Das Verwaltungsgericht Düsseldorf hat dies für rechtmäßig gehalten. Das Oberverwaltungsgericht hat der dagegen gerichteten Beschwerde der Polizeibeamtin nunmehr stattgegeben.

reposted by larrygreensky antifascist dychterfyrst
24.7.2020 13:49:41 reposted from severak

Erfurt latrine disaster

The Erfurt latrine disaster was an event that occurred in Erfurt, Duchy of Thuringia in 1184 where a number of nobles from across the Holy Roman Empire were meeting in a room at the Church of St. Peter only for their combined weight to cause the floor to collapse into the latrine beneath the cellar and led to dozens of nobles drowning in liquid excrement. At least 60 people died in the accident. Background A feud between Louis III, Landgrave of Thuringia and Archbishop Conrad of Mainz which had existed since the defeat of Henry the Lion intensified to the point that King Heinrich VI was forced to intervene while he was traveling through the region during a military campaign against Poland. Heinrich decided to call a diet in Erfurt where he was staying to mediate the situation between the two and invited a number of other figures to the negotiations. The event Nobles across the Holy Roman Empire were invited to the meeting, and many arrived on 25 July to attend. Just as the assembly began, the wooden floor of the provost of St. Mary, in which the nobles were sitting, broke under the stress...

reposted by sofia
18.7.2020 20:42:55

Dog Solution [Twitter]

Gluten free dog solution. You can assured we proivde highes quality Dog & Solutions direct, dog free money fast, dog blockchain, dog cloud services, dog dot tv

18.7.2020 15:03:41 reposted from dychterfyrst

Soup.io: Ein Kapitel österreichischer Startup-Geschichte geht zu Ende

Was ist Soup.io? Eine Kunst? Eine Philosophie? Eine Politik? Eine Feuerversicherung? [...]

reposted by merelygifted

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