
henlo stinky

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7.2.2021 23:00:29 reposted from memes

reposted by looque
6.2.2021 22:37:04 reposted from looque

mobile version

kyselo looks very different today isn't it?
I was always user of dumb phones. But the last one was too much dumb to use so they actually lend me a smartphone at work.
I tried use Kyselo on it and it looked awful. So I completely rewrote it to be compatible with mobile phones.
All the pages was rewritten using Bulma CSS Framework and while I was doing it I was fixing various bugs and making some improvements. It was a lot of work and I got somewhat exhausted of it.
But wait - there is more: I am working on another features - custom CSS, MP3/MP4 posting and finally commenting. Consider sending some donation to keep me working.
Also - I am taking a looooooooooooot of photos of my cat, so I created her profile on Kyselo - you can now follow her on @mnauinka.
And finally - stats:

  • we are alive for 208 days (0 years 6 months)
  • we have 144 users
  • and 40 groups
  • most active user is @gpkvt with 3036 posts
  • most active group is @memes with 197 posts
  • there are about 75 post per day
  • of these 38 are originals (no reposts)

30.1.2021 21:38:44 reposted from looque

reposted by gpkvt
30.1.2021 21:38:10 reposted from looque

30.1.2021 21:36:25 reposted from merelygifted

from my BF

30.1.2021 21:35:38 reposted from severak

30.1.2021 21:35:15 reposted from larrygreensky

31.12.2020 12:29:36

from https://i.redd.it/5j3c68odhc861.jpg

reposted by polarfuchs
28.12.2020 10:46:33 reposted from larrygreensky

25.12.2020 14:44:35 reposted from looque

25.12.2020 14:44:33 reposted from looque

14.12.2020 20:09:04 reposted from looque

reposted by enn0 paket
14.12.2020 20:01:43 reposted from severak

from https://i.redd.it/an05uq5o9i551.jpg

9.12.2020 07:56:52 reposted from moppie

6.12.2020 10:53:20 reposted from looque

reposted by paket
6.12.2020 10:45:32 reposted from dychterfyrst

4.12.2020 18:13:38 reposted from dychterfyrst

2.12.2020 16:12:47 reposted from looque


from https://i.imgur.com/n6yJcDL.jpeg

2.12.2020 16:11:26 reposted from severak

by hell-schwarz to r/ich_iel

from https://i.redd.it/nubj86822tz51.jpg

reposted by sofia
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Timeline speed: 13.43 posts per month

Just 3 pages to end...
