21.12.2022 18:30:12

enjoy christmass

reposted by looque
19.12.2022 15:16:35 reposted from desinteressement

18.12.2022 20:23:03 reposted from looque

18.12.2022 20:22:44 reposted from looque

18.12.2022 20:22:15 reposted from looque

18.12.2022 20:22:11 reposted from looque

18.12.2022 20:21:59 reposted from raumfahrtagentur

18.12.2022 20:20:38 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/936qjqnqwc0a1.jpg

reposted by raumfahrtagentur
16.12.2022 14:13:23

Tempus Fugit – "Clock Theme" from Martin Scorsese's Goncharov (1973) dir. Matteo JWHJ0715

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otvxTx15fNk&t=73s

reposted by pmusicp
16.12.2022 12:28:50 reposted from looque

16.12.2022 12:28:30 reposted from looque

reposted by xal
14.12.2022 23:08:22

reposted by kalesor dit larrygreensky xal
15.12.2022 01:18:10
This feels like unexpectedly seeing a picture of your ex... Who dumped you and moved in with a rich Indian IT guy
15.12.2022 16:32:37
@looque yeah. Whole soup backup I have has similar vibe to it.
14.12.2022 14:18:05

reposted by dit alxander
14.12.2022 14:17:53

reposted by kalesor wonko
14.12.2022 13:36:40

reposted by wonko
14.12.2022 13:36:33

14.12.2022 13:31:47

Deine Lakaien - Europe

from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZEkTSI05CQ

14.12.2022 01:10:48

reposted by looque xal
14.12.2022 00:30:05

reposted by memes
14.12.2022 00:29:52

reposted by kalesor
14.12.2022 00:29:26

reposted by kalesor xal
13.12.2022 16:43:34 reposted from desinteressement

reposted by xal
12.12.2022 13:14:49 reposted from dit

12.12.2022 13:14:38 reposted from desinteressement

reposted by alxander
10.12.2022 16:08:48

from https://twitter.com/sovietvisuals/status/1601586281745551361

reposted by dit
10.12.2022 18:31:25
Man Minecraft looks better and better
11.12.2022 13:42:31
@looque hahaha :-D
10.12.2022 16:05:47 reposted from looque

from https://i.redd.it/0r5qjf7o6t4a1.jpg

reposted by dit
9.12.2022 14:53:37

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